{"rows":[{"id":"7312","starttime":"1741856400","endtime":"1741860000","regstarttime":null,"regendtime":null,"tags":"Instruct-ERIC, Fragment screen, canserv, fheriatel","eid":"7312","uri":"reagent-discussion---buffers-and-solvents","title":"Reagent Discussion - Buffers and Solvents","type":"training","uid":null,"description":"
TechEM seminar<\/span><\/p>\r\n Allow a 60 minute discussion, but, it may be wise to schedule 75 minutes for this seminar. Time: Thursday March 13th, 2025, 05:00 EST \/ 10:00 WET \/ 11:00 CET \/ 12:00 IST (Israel) \/ 15:30 IST (India) \/ 18:00 SGT \/ 19:00 JST \/ 20:00 AEST \/ 21:00 AEDT The latest webinar in the Instruct-ERIC Structure Meets Function series this month includes speakers from Latin America, who have attended Instruct-ERIC Training courses with funding and support from the EU-CELAC Working Group. The work is also linked with Instruct's work with the EU-LAC ResInfra Plus project<\/a>.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Register Here<\/a><\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n The webinar series offers an insight into the very cutting edge of structural biology research, utilising the latest techniques available through Instruct-ERIC facilities and centres.<\/p>\r\n This month we have two speakers from Latin America, with which Instruct has had a long collaboration. The first speaker will be María Eugenia Flores Giubi of Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay, who visited colleagues in IBS Grenoble, Instruct-FR2. Second, we will hear from Julio César Gonzalez Olvera of Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, Mexico, outlining their research and connection with CEITEC, part of Instruct-CZ.<\/p>\r\n The webinar will take place at 15:00 CET on 18 March. Register for the webinar here.<\/a><\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Moderator: Lionel Imbert, IBS Grenoble<\/strong><\/p>\r\n Speaker: Kathrin Megerle, DLR<\/strong> Speaker: María Eugenia Flores Giubi, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay<\/strong> Speaker: Julio César Gonzalez Olvera, Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro, Mexico<\/strong> <\/p>\r\n Registration is now open for this webinar<\/p>\r\n This session will feature Soledad Quiroz, Vice-president International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) from Chile and Isabel Díaz, vice President of CSIC for Internationalization as our distinguished speakers, with Jose Maria Carazo (CSIC) serving as the moderator<\/span><\/p>\r\n Date<\/strong>: 24th March at 16:00 CET<\/p>\r\n Registration link:<\/strong> https:\/\/us02web.zoom.us\/meeting\/register\/4vataoq2ST62tw0tq_ymxQ#\/registration<\/a><\/p>\r\n The next <\/span>EMBL Partnership conference<\/a><\/u><\/span>, will be held in Heidelberg from 31 March – 02 April 2025<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\r\n <\/span><\/p>\r\n The scientific organisers Oliver Billker<\/strong> (The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), Sweden), Lionel Christiaen<\/strong> (Michael Sars Centre, Norway), Anna Kreshuk<\/strong> (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany), Giancarlo Russo<\/strong> (EMBL Partnership Institute for Genome Editing - Life Sciences Center, Lithuania), Sameer Velankar<\/strong> (EMBL-EBI, UK), and Qi Zhang<\/strong> (SAiGENCI and EMBL Australia) have put together an outstanding programme.<\/span><\/p>\r\n <\/span><\/p>\r\n The programme will focus on the impact of the recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) on the topics related to Health and life science across 3 different sessions: Molecular medicine and precision health; Genetics and genomics; and Technology and imaging. EMBL Partnership Conference provides an exceptional opportunity for researchers from EMBL<\/a> and its <\/span>partner institutes<\/a><\/u><\/span> to exchange expertise and build new collaborations and research networks.<\/span><\/p>\r\n <\/span><\/p>\r\n Important dates:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n On-site registration deadline: 17 February 2025<\/u><\/strong><\/span><\/p>","start":"31-Mar-2025","end":"01-Apr-2025","regstart":"2025-01-31 09:00:00","regend":"2025-02-17 16:00:00","timezone":"Europe\/Berlin","location":"Heidelberg","country":"de","lat":"49.398752400","lng":"8.672433500","funded":"0","partner":"1","promoted":"0","bookable":"0","url":"","forceurl":"0","insdisplay":"1","virtual":"0","link":"https:\/\/aria-booking.leeds.ac.uk\/events\/embl-partnership-conference---ai-in-one-health\/","abstract":"The next EMBL Partnership conference, will be held in Heidelberg from 31 March – 02 April 2025.\r\n \r\nThe scientific organisers Oliver Billker (The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS), Sweden), Lionel Christiaen (Michael Sars Centre, Norway), Anna Kreshuk (EMBL Heidelberg, Germany), Giancarlo Russo (EMBL Partnership Institute for Genome Editing - Life Sciences Center, Lithuania), Sameer Velankar (EMBL-EBI, UK), and Qi Zhang (SAiGENCI a","date":"31-Mar-2025 9:00 CEST","color":"yellow","images":"upload\/null"},{"id":"7280","starttime":"1743408000","endtime":"1743782400","regstarttime":null,"regendtime":null,"tags":"Instruct-ERIC, CANSERV, FRAGMENT SCREEN, IMAGINE, ERIC FORUM2, FHERITALE, EOSCBEYOND, EU LAC Resinfra","eid":"7280","uri":"course-on-optical-microscopy-imaging-for-biosciences--15th-edition","title":"Course on Optical Microscopy Imaging for Biosciences | 15th edition","type":"training","uid":null,"description":" For more information<\/a><\/span><\/p>\r\n Topic: Introduction to CryoEM with Werner Kühlbrandt Cryo-Electron Microscopy (CryoEM) has become a well-established technique for determining the three-dimensional structures of biological macromolecules. It currently achieves atomic resolution and enables the study of conformationally heterogeneous samples as well as macromolecular complexes. Cryo-EM complements other structural techniques such as X-ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and is currently the fastest-growing technique in atomic structure depositions in public databases like the PDB.<\/p>\r\n The aim of this course is to introduce participants to the analysis of conformational flexibility\/heterogeneity, a crucial step in Cryo-EM image processing to obtain dynamic information in the form of conformational landscapes. The I2PC has extensive experience in organising courses on this topic, with previous editions being in high demand. The course is organised and run by the Instruct Image Processing Centre (I2PC) part of CNB-CSIC<\/a> in Madrid.<\/p>\r\n This course is intended for researchers at all levels.<\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n Register Here<\/a><\/p>\r\n <\/p>\r\n The goal is to introduce researchers to flexibility\/heterogeneity analysis, one of the most advanced areas in Single Particle Analysis (SPA). The course will cover the theory behind the most commonly used methods in the field and include hands-on practical sessions within the Scipion Flexibility Hub environment, facilitating the use of multiple tools within a single workflow.<\/p>\r\n Flexibility analysis in Cryo-EM is an emerging technique that enables the capture of different conformations of studied macromolecules. Gaining expertise in this area provides an added value for researchers with prior experience in Cryo-EM image processing, enhancing their analytical capabilities and understanding of the structural dynamics of biomolecules.<\/p>\r\n Tutors <\/p>\r\n Find out more about the course and register here.<\/a><\/p>","start":"07-Apr-2025","end":"11-Apr-2025","regstart":null,"regend":null,"timezone":"Europe\/Madrid","location":"Madrid","country":"es","lat":null,"lng":null,"funded":"1","partner":"0","promoted":"0","bookable":"0","url":"","forceurl":"0","insdisplay":"1","virtual":"0","link":"https:\/\/aria-booking.leeds.ac.uk\/events\/instruct-course-on-flexibility-analysis-using-scipion\/","abstract":"Cryo-Electron Microscopy (CryoEM) has become a well-established technique for determining the three-dimensional structures of biological macromolecules. It currently achieves atomic resolution and enables the study of conformationally heterogeneous samples as well as macromolecular complexes. Cryo-EM complements other structural techniques such as X-ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and is currently the fastest-growing technique in atomic structure depositions in public database","date":"07-Apr-2025 9:00 CEST","color":"turquoise","images":"https:\/\/instruct-eric.org\/upload\/RvPmMTQ3I6pSDKEDBs9QFyotAUE0DNMd.JPG"},{"id":"7250","starttime":"1744099200","endtime":"1744214400","regstarttime":null,"regendtime":null,"tags":"INSTRUCT-ERIC, FRAGMENT SCREEN, ISIDORE, CANSERV, IMAGINE, FHERITALE","eid":"7250","uri":"introduction-to-image-analysis-2025---applications-are-open","title":"Introduction to Image Analysis 2025 - Applications are open!","type":"training","uid":null,"description":" Applications are open for the Introduction to Image Analysis Workshop 2025.<\/span> Recent advancements in microscopy technology have revolutionized our ability to routinely acquire large, multi-dimensional image datasets. However, gaps remain in the effective analysis of this data, primarily due to a lack of computational skills among researchers. This often results in a reliance on qualitative, manual image assessments, which lack the precision, reproducibility, and scalability that automated, quantitative analysis can provide.<\/span> To bridge this gap, this two-day workshop is designed to empower microscopists and researchers with the necessary skills and tools to confidently analyse their data. Under the instruction of experienced core facility staff from the Francis Crick Institute and King’s College London, participants will be introduced to open-source tools such as FIJI and napari, and will be introduced to methodologies for automating their image analyses, thus enhancing research precision, efficiency, and reproducibility.<\/span> This workshop is suitable for any researcher, from early career researchers to experienced group leaders, engaged in the acquisition of significant amounts of microscopy image data. No prior experience in image analysis or coding is required, although a basic understanding of microscopy and image acquisition will be beneficial. Attendees will leave the workshop equipped with a knowledge of the tools needed to design and execute automated, unbiased, reproducible image analysis workflows.<\/span> The workshop is limited to 30 participants.<\/span><\/p>\r\n Applications close on Sunday 5th January 2025.<\/strong><\/span> Applicants will be notified on Friday 17th January 2025<\/strong>. Successful applicants will be invited to complete a full registration form.<\/span> The fee for successful applicants will be £100. Payment will be due by 31st January 2025.<\/span><\/p>","start":"08-Apr-2025","end":"09-Apr-2025","regstart":null,"regend":null,"timezone":"Europe\/Dublin","location":"Galway","country":"ie","lat":"53.274001000","lng":"-9.051266200","funded":"0","partner":"1","promoted":"0","bookable":"0","url":"","forceurl":"0","insdisplay":"1","virtual":"0","link":"https:\/\/aria-booking.leeds.ac.uk\/events\/introduction-to-image-analysis-2025---applications-are-open\/","abstract":"Applications are open for the Introduction to Image Analysis Workshop 2025. Recent advancements in microscopy technology have revolutionized our ability to routinely acquire large, multi-dimensional image datasets. However, gaps remain in the effective analysis of this data, primarily due to a lack of computational skills among researchers. This often results in a reliance on qualitative, manual image assessments, which lack the precision, reproducibility, and scalability that automated, quantit","date":"08-Apr-2025 10:00 CEST","color":"turquoise","images":"upload\/null"},{"id":"7276","starttime":"1745395200","endtime":"1745596800","regstarttime":"1737367200","regendtime":"1743523200","tags":"Instruct-ERIC, ISIDORE, CANSERV, FRAGMENT SCREEN, IMAGINE, ERIC FORUM, FHERITALE, ESOCBEYONG","eid":"7276","uri":"ccp-em-spring-symposium-2025","title":"CCP-EM Spring Symposium 2025","type":"conference","uid":null,"description":" CCP-EM are pleased to announce the eleventh CCP-EM Spring Symposium. As ever the conference aims to provide a forum to highlight state of the art developments in computational cryoEM and related themes as well as showcasing outstanding recent biological applications. They aim to promote an inclusive, friendly atmosphere welcoming both old and new to the community. Topics include instrument technology, sample preparation, image processing, single particle reconstruction, tomography and model building. The conference will take place in person at Nottingham EMCC<\/a> and virtually via Zoom.<\/p>\r\n Please register here<\/a> Registration, poster, talks and registration deadlines:<\/strong> Virtual registration<\/strong> Thanks to the kind support of our sponsors we have a limited number of bursaries which will cover registration fees and two night halls accommodation. If you are interested please can you send a 300 word application to CCP-EM Events<\/a> detailing your interest in attending the conference in person and why a bursary would help.<\/p>\r\n Schedule here<\/a><\/p>\r\n Alister Burt (Genentech) Sonia Rodriguez Fernandez (University of Cambridge) Laura Spagnolo (University of Glasgow) Lorna Malone (eBIC, Diamond) We would like to thank CryoCloud<\/a>, Dectris<\/a>, Nanosoft<\/a>, SPT LabTech<\/a>, SubAngstrom<\/a> and Thermo Fisher Scientific<\/a> for their support.<\/p>\r\n If you are not a UK citizen and do not have a VISA, please check if you need to apply for an ETA. Please see the gov.uk<\/a> website for more information.<\/p>","start":"23-Apr-2025","end":"25-Apr-2025","regstart":"2025-01-20 10:00:00","regend":"2025-04-01 16:00:00","timezone":"Europe\/London","location":"Notthingham","country":"gb","lat":"52.954022300","lng":"-1.154989200","funded":"0","partner":"1","promoted":"0","bookable":"0","url":"","forceurl":"0","insdisplay":"1","virtual":"0","link":"https:\/\/aria-booking.leeds.ac.uk\/events\/ccp-em-spring-symposium-2025\/","abstract":"CCP-EM are pleased to announce the eleventh CCP-EM Spring Symposium. As ever the conference aims to provide a forum to highlight state of the art developments in computational cryoEM and related themes as well as showcasing outstanding recent biological applications. They aim to promote an inclusive, friendly atmosphere welcoming both old and new to the community. Topics include instrument technology, sample preparation, image processing, single particle reconstruction, tomography and model buil","date":"23-Apr-2025 10:00 CEST","color":"yellow","images":"upload\/null"},{"id":"7317","starttime":"1745481600","endtime":"1745485200","regstarttime":null,"regendtime":null,"tags":"Instruct-ERIC, Fragment scree, fheriatale, canserv, imagine, eoscbeyond","eid":"7317","uri":"sample-preparation-for-in-situ-electron-tomography-seminar","title":"Sample preparation for in situ electron tomography seminar","type":"meeting","uid":null,"description":" Topic: Sample preparation for in situ electron tomography with Sven Klumpe
Gareth, Rob and Jens will introduce us to buffers and solvents in the context of EM Sample Processing.
Meeting ID: 949 6932 6228
Passcode: 770564<\/span><\/p>","start":"13-Mar-2025","end":"13-Mar-2025","regstart":null,"regend":null,"timezone":"Europe\/Brussels","location":"Belgium","country":null,"lat":"50.503887000","lng":"4.469936000","funded":"0","partner":"1","promoted":"0","bookable":"0","url":"","forceurl":"0","insdisplay":"1","virtual":"1","link":"https:\/\/aria-booking.leeds.ac.uk\/events\/reagent-discussion---buffers-and-solvents\/","abstract":"TechEM seminar\r\nAllow a 60 minute discussion, but, it may be wise to schedule 75 minutes for this seminar. \r\nTime: Thursday March 13th, 2025, 05:00 EST \/ 10:00 WET \/ 11:00 CET \/ 12:00 IST (Israel) \/ 15:30 IST (India) \/ 18:00 SGT \/ 19:00 JST \/ 20:00 AEST \/ 21:00 AEDTGareth, Rob and Jens will introduce us to buffers and solvents in the context of EM Sample Processing. https:\/\/zoom.us\/j\/94969326228?pwd=Lr3hBhlzawrEcRKTJmdwbHjThAbfoZ.1Meeting ID: 949 6932 6228Passcode: 770564","date":"13-Mar-2025 10:00 CET","color":"turquoise","images":"upload\/null"},{"id":"7292","starttime":"1742306400","endtime":"1742310000","regstarttime":null,"regendtime":null,"tags":null,"eid":"7292","uri":"structure-meets-function-37---latin-america","title":"Structure Meets Function 37 - Latin America","type":"meeting","uid":null,"description":"
Talk Title:<\/strong> EU-LAC ResInfra Plus Project<\/p>\r\n
Talk Title:<\/strong> The Role of Secondary Metabolites and Proteins in Macrophomina phaseolina Pathogenesis
Abstract:<\/strong> Macrophomina phaseolina is a necrotrophic soil-borne fungus that infects a wide range of economically important crops, including soybean, sesame, jute, sorghum, maize, and sunflower. Despite its significant impact on agriculture, the molecular mechanisms driving its pathogenicity remain poorly understood.
A key aspect of M. phaseolina virulence is the secretion of toxic secondary metabolites such as phaseolinone, botriodiplodin, phaseocyclopentanones A and B, and guignardone A. While some of these metabolites exhibit phytotoxic or antimicrobial properties, their precise biosynthetic pathways and roles in infection remain unclear. Additionally, certain fungal metabolites can influence plant development and crop yield in a hormone-like manner, further complicating their pathogenic interactions.
To colonize host plants, M. phaseolina must breach the plant cell wall, which consists mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin. The fungus achieves this by secreting cell wall-degrading enzymes (CWDEs), which are classified as carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes). While CAZymes facilitate host invasion, some also help the fungus evade plant immune responses by modifying or sequestering chitin, a key microbe-associated molecular pattern (MAMP) recognized by plants.
Gene expression studies suggest that several protein-coding genes are induced during infection, highlighting their potential role in fungal virulence. Additionally, in vitro studies have identified differentially secreted metabolites, such as (R)-mellein, (3R,4R)-hydroximellein, and (-)-botryodiplodin, but further research is needed under conditions that mimic natural infection.
Understanding the mechanisms of metabolite toxicity and host cell wall degradation by M. phaseolina is crucial for developing effective biocontrol strategies and improving crop resistance to this devastating pathogen.<\/p>\r\n
Talk Title:<\/strong> Studies on the protonation of 5-methylcytosine groups in double-stranded DNA polynucleotides
Abstract:<\/strong> Recent investigations (González-Olvera et al., 2018, 2022), conducted in collaboration with CEITEC, revealed a pH-dependent transition in double-stranded model oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing centrally located guanine:5-methylcytosine (G:Me<\/sup>C) base pairs, which was interpreted in terms of a protonation of the O2<\/sup>-position of the 5-methylcytosine (Me<\/sup>C) group, without breaking the G:Me<\/sup>C pair. This transition, observed by UV-absorption spectroscopy as well as by NMR spectroscopy, occurred at around neutral pH, under near-physiological conditions, raising the possibility that double-stranded DNA in its natural state may have a significant proportion of its Me C residues protonated at O2<\/sup>. 5-Methylcytosines bases are involved in various control regions in DNA, silencing and repression of gene expression, cell differentiation processes, RNA postprocessing and splicing, regulation of non-coding RNA, etc. Therefore, the issue of an O2<\/sup>-protonation of these bases in biological DNA is of importance for our understanding of DNA function at the molecular level. In order to examine the postulated O2<\/sup>-protonation of these bases in biological DNA, we propose to investigate, with the use of model oligonucleotides, the dependence of the O2<\/sup>-protonation at Me C on the chain length of the model duplexes, the temperature, and the type and concentration of the salt in the solution. Additionally, the effect of different nearest-neighbour bases and the type of nucleic acid on the O2<\/sup>-protonation on Me C, will be examined. For this purpose, several techniques will be used, namely UV absorption and NMR spectroscopies, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), as well as theoretical calculations.<\/p>\r\n<\/p>","start":"18-Mar-2025","end":"18-Mar-2025","regstart":null,"regend":null,"timezone":"Europe\/London","location":"","country":null,"lat":null,"lng":null,"funded":"1","partner":"0","promoted":"0","bookable":"0","url":"","forceurl":"0","insdisplay":"1","virtual":"1","link":"https:\/\/aria-booking.leeds.ac.uk\/events\/structure-meets-function-37---latin-america\/","abstract":"The latest webinar in the Instruct-ERIC Structure Meets Function series this month includes speakers from Latin America, who have attended Instruct-ERIC Training courses with funding and support from the EU-CELAC Working Group. The work is also linked with Instruct's work with the EU-LAC ResInfra Plus project.\r\n \r\nRegister Here\r\n \r\nThe webinar series offers an insight into the very cutting edge of structural biology research, utilising the latest techniques available through Instruct-E","date":"18-Mar-2025 15:00 CET","color":"purple","images":"upload\/null"},{"id":"7271","starttime":"1742824800","endtime":"1742835600","regstarttime":null,"regendtime":null,"tags":"Instruct-ERIC, ISIDORE, CANSERV, AI4LIFE, FRAGRMENT SCREEN, IMAGINE, ERIC FORUM2, FHERITALE, EU-LAC RESINFRA, EOSCBEYOND","eid":"7271","uri":"third-science-diplomacy-webinar","title":"RI-Hubs Third Webinar - Science Diplomacy","type":"training","uid":null,"description":"
The webinar will focus on Scientific Diplomacy<\/strong>, covering topics such as:<\/p>\r\n\r\n
Time: Thursday April 3rd, 2025 05:00 EST \/ 10:00 WEST \/ 11:00 (Belgium) CEST \/ 12:00 IDT (Israel) \/ 14:30 IST (India) \/ 17:00 (SGT) \/ 18:00 JST \/ 19:00 AEST \/ 20:00 AEDT
Please note, Europe changes time on March 30th. Please check seminar times to be sure they match to 11:00am in Belgium.
Meeting ID: 928 9280 9671
Passcode: 580004<\/span><\/p>","start":"03-Apr-2025","end":"03-Apr-2025","regstart":null,"regend":null,"timezone":"Europe\/Brussels","location":"Belgium","country":null,"lat":"50.503887000","lng":"4.469936000","funded":"0","partner":"1","promoted":"0","bookable":"0","url":"","forceurl":"0","insdisplay":"1","virtual":"1","link":"https:\/\/aria-booking.leeds.ac.uk\/events\/introduction-to-cryoem-seminar\/","abstract":"Topic: Introduction to CryoEM with Werner KühlbrandtTime: Thursday April 3rd, 2025 05:00 EST \/ 10:00 WEST \/ 11:00 (Belgium) CEST \/ 12:00 IDT (Israel) \/ 14:30 IST (India) \/ 17:00 (SGT) \/ 18:00 JST \/ 19:00 AEST \/ 20:00 AEDTPlease note, Europe changes time on March 30th. Please check seminar times to be sure they match to 11:00am in Belgium. https:\/\/zoom.us\/j\/92892809671?pwd=eCtCXZF6EHQ19C0XwyIazDYQK8styi.1Meeting ID: 928 9280 9671Passcode: 580004","date":"03-Apr-2025 10:00 CEST","color":"purple","images":"upload\/null"},{"id":"7286","starttime":"1744009200","endtime":"1744383600","regstarttime":null,"regendtime":null,"tags":null,"eid":"7286","uri":"instruct-course-on-flexibility-analysis-using-scipion","title":"Instruct Course on Flexibility Analysis using Scipion","type":"training","uid":null,"description":"
Marcos Gragera (MG) – Single Particle Analysis specialist, BCU\/I2PC
David Herreros (DH) – Flexibility Hub head developer, BCU
Carlos-Oscar Sorzano (COS) – Group leader, BCU; Technical Director, I2PC
Slavica Jonic (SJ) – Research Director, CNRS<\/p>\r\nApply now!<\/a><\/span><\/h1>\r\n
The meeting also includes the Diamond Light Source<\/a> Biological Cryo-Imaging User Meeting for eBIC & B24 and associated satellite meetings for correlative microscopy (eBIC), electron diffraction (eBIC), membrane protein lab (DLS), HexAuFoil user group meeting (Quantifoil) and a Thermo Fisher meeting on advances in SPA<\/p>\r\nRegistration<\/h2>\r\n
Bursaries - 1 February
Presentation and poster applications - 1 February
Early bird discounted fees - 1 March
Final in-person registration - 1 April
Virtual registration - No deadline<\/p>\r\nPricing<\/h2>\r\n
In-person registration<\/strong>
Early bird PhD \/ PDRA : £235
Early bird standard : £285
BCI meeting : £25
Bursary : £0
Hotal standard (single occupancy): £115 \/ night
Hotal standard (double occupancy): £125 \/ night
Hotal PhD\/PDRA (single occupancy): £95 \/ night
Hotal PhD\/PDRA (double occupancy): £85 \/ night
Student halls : £66 \/ night
Student halls (bursary) : £0 \/ night<\/p>\r\nRegistration fee bursaries<\/h2>\r\n
Outline Schedule<\/h2>\r\n
Confirmed symposium speakers:<\/h4>\r\n
Jose-Maria Carazo (Centro Nacional de Biotecnología)
Maud Dumoux (RFI)
Johannes Elferich (UMass Chan Medical School)
Andreas Engel (CryoWrite)
Arjen Jakobi (TU Delft)
Wanda Kukulski (University of Bern)
Taiana Maia de Oliveira (AstraZeneca)
Charlie Scarff (University of Leeds)
Thom Sharp (University of Bristol)
Alexander Shtyrov (MRC-LMB)
Amit Singer (Princeton)
Jessie Zhang (University of California, Berkeley)
Kai Zhang (Yale)<\/p>\r\nConfirmed BCI speakers:<\/h4>\r\n
Valentina Loconte (B24, Diamond Light Source)
Ste Muench (University of Leeds)
Martin Rennie (University of Glasgow)
David Sauer (University of Oxford)
David Waterman (STFC, CCP4)
Plus eBIC user meeting round-table discussion<\/p>\r\nSymposium scientific organisers:<\/h4>\r\n
Rene Frank (University of Leeds)<\/p>\r\nBiological Cryo-Imaging<\/a> user meeting organising committee:<\/h4>\r\n
Archana Jadhav (B24, Diamond)
Emma Buzzard (eBIC, Diamond Light Source)
Éilís Bragginton (eBIC, Diamond Light Source)<\/p>\r\nSponsors<\/h2>\r\n
Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) reminder<\/h2>\r\n
Time: Thursday April 24th, 2025 05:00 EST \/ 10:00 WEST \/ 11:00 (Belgium) CEST \/ 12:00 IDT (Israel) \/ 14:30 IST (India) \/ 17:00 (SGT) \/ 18:00 JST \/ 19:00 AEST \/ 20:00 AEDT
Meeting ID: 992 5250 4018
Passcode: 314383<\/span><\/p>","start":"24-Apr-2025","end":"24-Apr-2025","regstart":null,"regend":null,"timezone":"Europe\/Brussels","location":"Belgium","country":null,"lat":"50.503887000","lng":"4.469936000","funded":"0","partner":"1","promoted":"0","bookable":"0","url":"","forceurl":"0","insdisplay":"1","virtual":"1","link":"https:\/\/aria-booking.leeds.ac.uk\/events\/sample-preparation-for-in-situ-electron-tomography-seminar\/","abstract":"Topic: Sample preparation for in situ electron tomography with Sven KlumpeTime: Thursday April 24th, 2025 05:00 EST \/ 10:00 WEST \/ 11:00 (Belgium) CEST \/ 12:00 IDT (Israel) \/ 14:30 IST (India) \/ 17:00 (SGT) \/ 18:00 JST \/ 19:00 AEST \/ 20:00 AEDThttps:\/\/zoom.us\/j\/99252504018?pwd=0KsHZSQgmbQGv3q22IRyWs3iuU2na4.1Meeting ID: 992 5250 4018Passcode: 314383","date":"24-Apr-2025 10:00 CEST","color":"purple","images":"upload\/null"}],"info":{"pages":3,"page":1}}