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Adding Documents

  1. Go to
  2. Go to ‘Your Admin’ 

If you have not already logged in This re-directs you to another page and ask you to login.


3. Once directed to the ARIA homepage, click on ‘content’,  the book picture on the top tool bar, click ‘documents’ and then ‘Add documents’ 


4. Once clicked this screen should appear.

5.  Add the title, the description, put it in the correct folder, upload the file, select the user access, and click ‘Add Item’
Please note with the user access field :

     - Permissions set on the document will override any permissions set on the folder.
     - If no permissions are set on the document itself it will inherit permissions from the folder it is in.
     - If the folder has no permissions set on it then it will inherit its permissions from its parent folder.
     - If the document and the folders it is in have no access limits set on it then it will be public.

6. When placing it in a folder and no folder appears you can add a folder by clicking ‘documents’ then clicking ‘add folder’. Type in all the relevant information (Name, Parent, user access and Folder owner’ and then ‘Add Item’ 

7.  Once folder is created go back and fill in the details and remember to click ‘add item’ to save the document on the system.