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Centre for Bioinformatics

Integrated Structural Bioinformatics - Efficient Algorithms for Large Biomolecular Structure Modeling

The Instruct Bioinformatics Centre develops efficient algorithms for protein structure and function prediction. It has one of the leading platforms in the modelling of protein-protein interfaces and is actively developing state of the art computational techniques for the integrative modelling of large multimolecular assemblies based on experimental data from various sources. The algorithms developed by the Centre are among the fastest available and, usually, enable online processing of the data.


A comprehensive list of the servers provided by the Center can be found at the Bioinfo3D and ConSurf websites.


Centre for Bioinformatics

School of Computer Science

Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv


Centre for Bioinformatics website

Visitor information

The Centre for Bioinformatics is currently available for limited remote access due to COVID-19 restrictions. For information on the availability of specific technologies, view the Technology Availability List or contact Please check here regularly for updates.


Haim Wolfson
Haim Wolfson
Science Contact, Admin Contact
Computational Structural Biology Structural Bioinformatics Computer Aided Drug Design
Geometric Pattern Discovery

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