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Instruct-ERIC Events

19th International Microscopy Congress, Syndey, september 2018

Date: 08-Oct-2018 to 14-Oct-2018

Contact: Madalena Gallagher

The 19th International Microscopy Congress will take place in Sydney from the 9th to the 14th of September 2018.

 Of direct interest to these lists are a couple of sessions:

- Gabriel Lander and Eric Hanseen will chair the session "3D structures of macromolecules and supramolecular assemblies"

 - Bram Koster and Sharon Wolf will chair the session "Structure and function of cells and organelles"

 - Juergen Plitzko and Chris Russo will chair the session "cryo-TEM techniques or biological material"

 - Greg McMullan and Nestor Zaluzec will chair the session "Instrumentation"

 - Steven Ludtke and Nigel Browning will chair the session "computational methods for data acquisition, analysis and visualization".

 - Paul Matsudaira and Sara Bals will chair a session on "Multi-scale 3D imaging".

 There are many more sessions that may be of interest in the biological program, follow link for details and early bird registration.

Key Dates

1 March 2018 Abstract Submission Deadline 

10 May 2018 Early Bird Registration Closes

10 May 2018 Author Registration Deadline 

10 May 2018 Late Breaking Abstract Submissions Open

31 May 2018 Late Breaking Abstract Submissions Deadline

Sydney, Australia

19th International Microscopy Congress, Syndey, september 2018