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Instruct-ERIC Events

2019 Cryo-EM School

Registration Date: 20-Aug-2019 to 15-Sep-2019
Date: 28-Oct-2019 to 15-Nov-2019

Contact: Ludo Renault

Instruct Partner


The Fall 2019 Cryo-EM School will take place at the Netherlands Centre for Electron Nanoscopy (NeCEN) from 28 October to 15 November. A maximum number of 6 participants will received 3-weeks of hands-on Titan Krios training from the experienced NeCEN EM scientists.


Thermo Fisher Scientific
The Netherlands Centre for Electron Nanoscopy (NeCEN)


The curriculum is divided in two parts:

1. Online lectures about the theory of cryo-EM single particle analysis as well as practical demonstrations by Grant Jensen (CalTech) and Matthijn Vos (ex. Thermo Fisher Scientific). The school participants have to follow the online course and take the self-evaluation test before coming to NeCEN for practical hands-on training.

2. Hands-on practicals on the different aspects taught online.

  • Cryo-EM sample freezing on a vitrobot
  • Cryo-EM grids clipping and loading for autoloader systems
  • Cryo-EM sample screening
  • Titan Krios alignments
  • Automated Single Particle Data Acquisition with EPU
  • Some basics on image processing is optional and can be tuned to each participant interest


For more information and to register, click here.


NeCEN, Netherlands

2019 Cryo-EM School