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Instruct-ERIC Events


Date: 25-Oct-2017 to 26-Oct-2017

Contact: Madalena Gallagher


The 2nd CORBEL Annual General Meeting will take place on October 25-26, 2017 from lunch to lunch

Venue: EYE Film Museum, 1 IJpromenade, 1031 KT Amsterdam

Day 1, 25 October 2017 - Meeting room Cinema 2 

12:00 Registration / Lunch (Foyer ) 

13:00 Welcome - Niklas Blomberg (Coordinator CORBEL) - Anton Ussi (EATRIS-ERIC) 

13:15 Update from Work Packages, including deliverables and milestones, actions on delays (15+5 mins each, WP3/4 25+5 mins) - WP1 - WP2 - WP3 - WP4 - Niklas Blomberg - Manuela Schuengel - Jacques Demotes - Frauke Leitner, Christian Popp, Marie Vidal 

15:00 Coffee/Tea Break ( Foyer) 15:30 - WP5 - WP6 - Michael Raess - Helen Parkinson- WP7 - WP8 - WP9 - Michaela Mayrhofer - Nigel Wagstaff - Markus Pasterk 

17:15 Flash talk session (5 min each) - appr. 8 presentations, see separate agenda 18:00 End of day 1 18:00 Guided tour of the EYE (optional, upon registration) 19:00 Walk from EYE to Dinner venue: Tolhuis, Buiksloterweg 7 

Day 2, 26 October 2017 

Parallel sessions ( Room at the top, IJ-Lounge, Waterfront ) 

8:30 WP breakout - WP 2 – IJ-Lounge - WP 3 – IJ-Lounge - WP 4 – IJ-Lounge - WP 5 – Room at the top - WP 6 – Room at the top - WP 7 – Room at the top - WP 8 – Waterfront - WP 9 – Waterfront WP Leads 

10:30 Coffee/Tea ( Foyer ) 

Parallel sessions ( Room at the top, IJ-Lounge, Waterfront ) 

11:00 - 13:00 Cross-WP/Topic related working groups (Room at the top) - WP 7 + 8 – Template agreements - WP 4 + 9 – Open Call/service providers - WP 5 + 6 – AAI (synergies, distribution of work) WP members 

11:00 - 12:00 SEAB/EIAB + WPLeads (Waterfront) BMS RI Strategy Board (separate agenda) ( IJ Lounge ) 

12:00 - 13:00 SEAB (Waterfront) 10 th CORBEL Executive Board Meeting ( separate agenda ) ( IJ Lounge ) 

12:00 - 13:00 EIAB (Waterfront) 13:00 Lunch ( Foyer ) Visibility, usage and impact of research infrastructures - follow up of the Brno Round Table (IJ Lounge) Plenary - Meeting room Cinema 3 

14:00 WPs: Next steps (5 mins each) 

15:00 Statement SEAB, EIAB, Discussion 

15:30 Wrap-Up 

For information on previous and upcoming committee and work package meetings please consult the CORBEL project calendar and Google Drive . Work package leaders: please help ensure that the calendar is kept up to date for events and meetings of your work package.

Amsterdam, Netherlands