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Instruct-ERIC Events

50 years of Synchrotron Radiation in the UK and its global impact

Date: 26-Jun-2018 to 29-Jun-2018

Contact: Samar Hasnain

On behalf of the Organising Committee, it is with great pleasure that they extend an invitation for you to attend the UKSR50 to be held in Liverpool during 26-29 June 2018.

The UK Synchrotron Radiation effort started in the 1960’s and led to the establishment of the national Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SRF) at the NINA 5GeV electron synchrotron at Daresbury Laboratory via a five-year research grant of six million pounds (in today’s value) in 1970. The use of SRF over 5 years persuaded the UK’s Science Research Council to design and build the world’s first dedicated multi- GeV storage ring that came in operation in 1980.

In 1997 the Synchrotron world received its ultimate recognition in the form of the first Nobel prize for work facilitated by synchrotron radiation (John Walker 1997). An all insertion device third generation source was recommended by the Woolfson review giving birth to a new source that was named DIAMOND in 1995, funded in 2001 and began its operation in 2007 at the Harwell campus in Oxfordshire.

During the past fifty years Synchrotron Radiation, has become an integral part of the UK’s academic and industrial science base; and there are now over 70 synchrotron sources and FELs worldwide which facilitate an expanding range of pure and applied science.

They invite you to a conference to celebrate the achievements and explore the future of the light sources (Synchrotrons and FELs) and their applications in the coming decades.

The conference is truly international with plenary speakers from Europe, USA, Japan and Brazil. They include:

Plenary speakers include:

Sir Venki Ramakrishnan, MRC LMB and the President of the Royal Society

Sir Mark Walport, Chief Scientist, HM Government (provisional)

Prof Ian Munro, Emeritus Scientist and former Director of Synchrotron Radiation, STFC Daresbury Laboratory

Sir Tom Blundell (Cambridge)

Simon Billing (Columbia & NSLS)

Mikael Eriksson (Lund, Sweden)

Tetsuya Ishikawa (Harima, Japan)

Liu Lin (LNLS, Campinas, Brazil)

John Spence (Arizona)

Dave Stuart (Oxford/DIAMOND)

Moniek Tromp (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Bert Weckhuysen (Utrecht, Netherlands)

Phil Withers (Manchester)

Website and registration can be found via this link 

Liverpool, United Kingdom

50 years of Synchrotron Radiation in the UK and its global impact