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Instruct-ERIC Events

Advanced Methods for Ambient Crystallography at ESRF-EBS Workshop

Date: 21-Nov-2023 to 23-Nov-2023

Instruct Partner

Room temperature data collection is experiencing a resurgence in structural biology due to its capacity to reveal physiological relevant conformations that could be hindered at cryogenic temperatures. The ESRF and EMBL Joint Structural Biology Group has been laying the groundwork for the future development of this field with two main projects: the refurbishment of MASSIF-1, including a CrystalDirect Harvester, allowing full automation of single crystal RT data collection and the new ID29 for time resolved serial crystallography data collection on high viscosity extruders and fixed targets. This 2.5 days workshop will cover the different practical and theoretical aspects of room temperature data collection and structure determination on the first day, followed by practicals at the beamlines and on data processing on the following days.

A total number of 10 participants will be selected and we will accept a limited number of participants’ samples to be tested during the workshop. There is no registration fee and meals and accommodation during the workshop will be provided free of charge. Bursaries are available to cover travel expenses for the participants.

Deadline for application for the workshop is on 15th August. Applications can be submitted at here.

The Workshop will take place 21-23 November.

This is an in person workshop and it is funded by EU project Streamline, the ESRF and EMBL.

Confirmed speakers and tutors include:

Robert Thorne (Cornell)
Marcus Fischer (St Jude)
Daniel Keedy (CUNY)
Silvia Russi (SSRL)
Chia-Ying Huang (PSI)
Sasha Popov (ESRF)
Clemens Vonhrein (GPhL)
Nicolas Coquelle (IBS: Instruct-FR2)