ARIA is experiencing some temporary instability. Our team is working to resolve it, but you may continue as usual. We appreciate your patience.

Instruct-ERIC Events

ARIA Workshop

Date: 25-Feb-2020

Contact: Callum Smith

At the ARIA workshop expect to hear about what ARIA can do for you, the most recent feature releases and what's coming around the corner! The workshop will take place on 25 February 2020, at The Netherlands Cancer Institue (NKI), Amsterdam. See the full agenda below.

About this Event

0900 - Introduction to ARIA

1000 - Access management and messaging demo 

1030 - Success Story (TBC)

1045 - Coffee Break

1115 - Facility management interactive demo 

1155 - Ensuring dependability of the ARIA platform 

1205 - Building the future of ARIA – Feedback and ideas gathering

1230 - Lunch Break

1330 - ARIA User Group face-to-face meeting - Only user group members to attend

1530 - Meeting Closes


For more information and to register for this event, click here.


This event is funded by iNEXT-Discovery and CORBEL.


NKI, Amsterdam, Netherlands

ARIA Workshop