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Instruct-ERIC Events

Ask the experts: Sample preparation and optimisation for cryo-EM using the Vitrobot

Registration Date: 01-Jul-2020
Date: 01-Jul-2020

Join Thermo Fisher Scientific for their upcoming Ask the Experts Q&A session. They’ll discuss tips and tricks for improving frozen hydrated cryo-EM sample preparation utilising the Vitrobot. Frozen hydrated sample prep and optimisation is often times the rate-limiting step in single-particle analysis.

This session will be useful for both new and experienced cryo-EM users. Ask questions, get answers, and engage with cryo-EM experts.

Why attend:
- Learn tips and tricks to optimise frozen hydrated sample preparation
- Useful for both new and experienced cryo-EM users

Host: Suzanne Graham, Senior Director of Global Business Development, Electron Microscopy

Dr. Jeffrey Lengyel, Principal Scientist, Cryo-EM
Dr. John Spear, Field Applications Senior Scientist, Cryo-EM

Register for the event here.

Remote, United Kingdom

Ask the experts: Sample preparation and optimisation for cryo-EM using the Vitrobot