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Instruct-ERIC Events

CCP-EM Spring Symposium 2025

Registration Date: 20-Jan-2025 to 01-Apr-2025
Date: 23-Apr-2025 to 25-Apr-2025

Instruct Partner

CCP-EM are pleased to announce the eleventh CCP-EM Spring Symposium. As ever the conference aims to provide a forum to highlight state of the art developments in computational cryoEM and related themes as well as showcasing outstanding recent biological applications. They aim to promote an inclusive, friendly atmosphere welcoming both old and new to the community. Topics include instrument technology, sample preparation, image processing, single particle reconstruction, tomography and model building.

The meeting also includes the Diamond Light Source Biological Cryo-Imaging User Meeting for eBIC & B24 and associated satellite meetings for correlative microscopy (eBIC), electron diffraction (eBIC), membrane protein lab (DLS), HexAuFoil user group meeting (Quantifoil) and a Thermo Fisher meeting on advances in SPA

The conference will take place in person at Nottingham EMCC and virtually via Zoom.


Please register here

Registration, poster, talks and registration deadlines:
Bursaries - 1 February
Presentation and poster applications - 1 February
Early bird discounted fees - 1 March
Final in-person registration - 1 April
Virtual registration - No deadline


Virtual registration

In-person registration
Early bird PhD / PDRA : £235
Early bird standard : £285
BCI meeting : £25
Bursary : £0

Hotal standard (single occupancy): £115 / night
Hotal standard (double occupancy): £125 / night
Hotal PhD/PDRA (single occupancy): £95 / night
Hotal PhD/PDRA (double occupancy): £85 / night
Student halls : £66 / night
Student halls (bursary) : £0 / night

Registration fee bursaries

Thanks to the kind support of our sponsors we have a limited number of bursaries which will cover registration fees and two night halls accommodation. If you are interested please can you send a 300 word application to CCP-EM Events detailing your interest in attending the conference in person and why a bursary would help.

Outline Schedule

Schedule here

Confirmed symposium speakers:

Alister Burt (Genentech)
Jose-Maria Carazo (Centro Nacional de Biotecnología)
Maud Dumoux (RFI)
Johannes Elferich (UMass Chan Medical School)
Andreas Engel (CryoWrite)
Arjen Jakobi (TU Delft)
Wanda Kukulski (University of Bern)
Taiana Maia de Oliveira (AstraZeneca)
Charlie Scarff (University of Leeds)
Thom Sharp (University of Bristol)
Alexander Shtyrov (MRC-LMB)
Amit Singer (Princeton)
Jessie Zhang (University of California, Berkeley)
Kai Zhang (Yale)

Confirmed BCI speakers:

Sonia Rodriguez Fernandez (University of Cambridge)
Valentina Loconte (B24, Diamond Light Source)
Ste Muench (University of Leeds)
Martin Rennie (University of Glasgow)
David Sauer (University of Oxford)
David Waterman (STFC, CCP4)
Plus eBIC user meeting round-table discussion

Symposium scientific organisers:

Laura Spagnolo (University of Glasgow)
Rene Frank (University of Leeds)

Biological Cryo-Imaging user meeting organising committee:

Lorna Malone (eBIC, Diamond)
Archana Jadhav (B24, Diamond)
Emma Buzzard (eBIC, Diamond Light Source)
Éilís Bragginton (eBIC, Diamond Light Source)


We would like to thank CryoCloud, Dectris, Nanosoft, SPT LabTech, SubAngstrom and Thermo Fisher Scientific for their support.

Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) reminder

If you are not a UK citizen and do not have a VISA, please check if you need to apply for an ETA. Please see the website for more information.

Notthingham, United Kingdom

CCP-EM Spring Symposium 2025