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Instruct-ERIC Events

Cryo-EM symposium, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Date: 04-Sep-2017 to 06-Sep-2017

Contact: Ariane Briegel

The International Cryo-EM Symposium will take place from 4-5 September 2017 in Delft, the Netherlands.

With the aim to share the latest developments in 3D cryo-electron microscopy (EM) with scientists and students at the Delft University of Technology and in the Netherlands, they bring together the leaders in atomic scale single particle 3D-EM and electron tomography of cells and tissue sections. They use this occasion to inaugurate the Cryo-EM laboratory that was recently established at the Department of Bionanoscience, featuring a JEOL 3200 FSC. The scientific program is divided into five sessions that summarize progress in biology and technical developments in cryo-EM. In addition, a workshop will take place after the symposium, where participants can learn about most recent technical advances in sample preparation, data acquisition and image processing. This workshop includes presentations from the best companies in the field and practical demonstrations for scientists interested in getting hands-on experience.

More information can be found at the symposium website

Due to limited capacity, early registration is encouraged.

2629 Delf, Netherlands

Cryo-EM symposium, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands