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Instruct-ERIC Events

EMBO Workshop: In situ Structural Biology: From Cryo-EM to Integrative Modelling

Registration Date: 01-Oct-2020 to 05-Nov-2020
Date: 06-Dec-2020 to 08-Dec-2020

EMBL is committed to sharing research advances and sustaining scientific interaction throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Because of this, the EMBO Workshop 'In situ Structural Biology: From Cryo-EM to Integrative Modelling' will be held online. The virtual conference includes live-streamed talks from invited speakers with live Q&A sessions after each talk as well as meet the speaker sessions, digital poster sessions with recorded flash talks and networking opportunities.

Conference Overview

There is an increasing awareness that mechanistic structural information on molecular machines is ideally generated within the context of intact cells in order to fully grasp how they function in a complex native environment. Recent technological advances have nurtured the development of such in situ structural biology approaches in several disciplines, including cryo-EM, mass spectrometry, super-resolution microscopy, NMR, computational modelling and others.

This virtual conference will bring together experts and early stage researchers from the separate fields

  • to provide a platform for structural biology within the cellular context
  • to stimulate discussions about how to meaningfully integrate data from different methods
  • to define what types of biological questions can already be addressed using in situ structural biology and which might be approached in the future

Session Topics

  • Imaging across scales
  • Structural analysis in situ
  • Molecular sociology
  • Biophysical analysis in cells
  • Integrative modelling

Abstract submission is open until 12 October 2020.

Find out more and register now.

EMBL Heidelberg, Germany

EMBO Workshop: In situ Structural Biology: From Cryo-EM to Integrative Modelling