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Instruct-ERIC Events

EOSC Symposium 2023

Date: 20-Sep-2023 to 22-Sep-2023

Instruct Partner

From 20-22 September 2023, the EOSC Symposium will take place in Madrid, in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The EOSC Symposium is organised by the EOSC Future project, together with the EOSC Tripartite collaboration (the EOSC Association, the EOSC Steering Board and the European Commission).

This year’s event will be fully hybrid, facilitating broader exchanges between stakeholders from ministries, policy makers, research organisations, service providers, research infrastructures and research communities driving the development of – and engagement with – the European Open Science Cloud. In the context of the EOSC Future project, the EOSC Symposium will also be a critical platform to showcase project achievements and key exploitable results.

Under the heading ‘Taking EOSC into the future’, the Symposium will take on pressing topics and more around EOSC’s sustainability:

  • EOSC after 2027
  • Governance and guidelines
  • Impact on the European Data and Infrastructure ecosystem

Find out more about the meeting and register virtually here.


Instruct-ERIC has been involved in several EOSC projects in recent years, using the experience to develop tools and collaborations for FAIR data storage and usage across many domains. Find out more about our EOSC connections here.