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Instruct-ERIC Events

FRISBI ReNAFoBis Webinar

Registration Date: 05-Sep-2024
Date: 12-Sep-2024

The FRISBI/ReNaFoBis webinar will be taking place on Thursday 12 September 2024 at 13:00. It’s open to everybody, so register here now!


Register here!


There will be 2 speakers:
Alicja Razew (IBS, Grenoble)
Tittle: Fighting Antibiotic Resistance: How to Monitor Drug-Protein Interactions in the Bacterial Periplasm.
Christina Sizun (ICSN, Gif sur Yvette)
Tittle: A dual binding mode between RSV NS1 and MED25 contributes to reshaping of antiviral responses.