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Instruct-ERIC Events

GeCrySchool2020: From Gene to Protein Crystal Structure

Registration Date: 26-Nov-2019 to 10-Dec-2019
Date: 21-Jan-2020 to 03-Mar-2020


The GeCrySchool2020 aims to provide technical knowledge to get the X-ray crystal structure of a protein by starting from the genetic information. The school is aimed at postDoc and PhD students with limited experience in the field of protein crystallography.

The school is divided in two sessions:

  • Session I "From Gene to Crystal" (from 21 to 24 January 2020, max 12 participants). Topics: expression, purification, and crystallization of proteins.
  • Session II "From Crystal to Structure" (from 3 to 6 March 2020, max 15 participants) Topics: diffraction experiment, obtaining the crystalline structure,validation and Protein Data Bank deposition.

Each session includes short theoretical lessons, technical lessons, and lab sessions (at least 4h per day). Each participant can choose to which School session apply, according to his background.

Session I - From Gene to Crystal

This session is mainly devoted to chemists and small molecule crystallographers.

Day 1: Introductions

Day 2: Cloning and protein expression

Day 3: Purification techniques for proteins

Day 4: Protein crystallisation and crystal handling

Session II - From Crystal to Structure

This session is mainly devoted to biologists and chemists.

Day 1: Introductions

Day 2: Crystal preparation and X-ray diffraction data collection

Day 3: Indexing and phasing of diffraction data

Day 4: Refinement process, validation, deposition and molecular visualisation

For more detailed programmes for the two sessions, click here.

Lessons will be held in Italian languages mainly.

Deadline for applications is 10th December 2019 for both sessions.

Further information can be found on the GeCrySchool2020 website.

Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy

GeCrySchool2020: From Gene to Protein Crystal Structure