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Instruct-ERIC Events

Instruct-ERIC - Biology at different Scales course

Date: 27-May-2019 to 07-Jun-2019

Contact: Eva Pebay-Peyroula



The school is aimed for PhD students and early-stage researchers. Participants will learn how a biological problem can be tackled using an integrated approach, going from atomic resolution to the level of a whole organism level. The school also aims at showing how physics can contribute to model biological processes. Several topics will be covered: cell and tissue morphogenesis, role of membranes at mesocopic and molecular scales: remodeling and transport processes, concepts and methods from physics applied to biology, state-of-the-art experimental approaches, links between cellular and structural biology.

The concepts and methods will be illustrated with two research fields, plant morphogenesis from gene to flowers, and exocytosis and morphology of the synapse. The topics developed during the lecture are inspiring for any biological question, which needs to bridge these scales. The school combines biology with physics in a rather unique way, and provides good opportunities to discuss with the teachers and with participants coming from various fields.


The course will take place in Les Houches, Chamonix, France from 27 May to 7 June 2019.


The interplay between physics and biology is illustrated on two research fields:

Plant morphogenesis from genes to flowers

Exocytosis, morphology and transport at the synapse

For each theme, about 12 lectures, accessible to non-specialists of these topics, cover a range of experimental and theoretical approaches. The typical day encompasses two morning lectures, a big afternoon break to foster informal discussions, and a late afternoon lecture. Themes and lecturers are mixed throughout the schedule of the two weeks.

For more information visit the website.

Les Houches, France

Instruct-ERIC - Biology at different Scales course