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Instruct-ERIC Events

IST Austria Cryo-EM Inauguration Symposium

Registration Date: 08-Aug-2019 to 27-Sep-2019
Date: 18-Oct-2019

Contact: Florian Schur

The Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria is hosting a one-day symposium to inaugurate their recent investments in cryo-EM infrastructure, establishing Austria’s largest cryo-EM facility. The aim of the symposium is to highlight exciting research involving cryo-EM, including the latest developments in the field as well as their application to biological questions.

The program will be divided into three blocks covering new advances in cryo-EM methodology, SPA cryo-EM, and cryo-electron tomography, and will also include a poster session and an (optional) tour of the new cryo-EM facility.

Registration for the event is free.

For more information and to register, click here.


Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Austria

IST Austria Cryo-EM Inauguration Symposium