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Instruct-ERIC Events

IWSG 2018 - 10th International Workshop on Science Gateways

Date: 13-Jun-2018 to 15-Jun-2018

Contact: Madalena Gallagher

Registration for the 10th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG) 2018 taking place from 13-15 June 2018 in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK is now open

Important Dates:

Deadline for paper/abstract submission : 04 March 2018

Notification of acceptance: 16 April 2018

Submission of camera-ready papers/abstracts: 01 May 2018

Registration deadline for authors/presenters: 08 May 2018

Early-Bird registration deadline: 15 May 2018

Registration deadline for regular fees: 08 June 2018

Date of the workshops: 13-15 June 2018

Keynote speakers: Michelle Barker, David de Roure, Jano van Hemert and Nancy Wilkins-Diehr

Registration open

Co-located events

Science gateways, Virtual Research Environments (VREs) and e-Laboratories / Virtual Labs (VLs) are a community-specific sets of tools, applications, and data collections that are well integrated via a web portal or an app, providing convenient and consistent access to distributed resources, services, data and instruments. They extend the power of research infrastructures and encourage wider audiences. They improve usability, automate routine tasks and offer ramps that enable users to progress to more sophisticated scientific methods.

As a result they increase the use of advanced capabilities delivered by computational and data platforms, clouds and e-Infrastructures. The complexity of the underlying infrastructure is hidden from the end-users by carefully crafted interfaces, abstractions and automated mappings.

The benefits they deliver increases dramatically as the wealth and diversity of data grows. They combine to deliver new strategies for tackling deep science, sophisti! cated engineering and global challenges. For this they need to foster collaboration among globally dispersed communities, spanning multiple disciplines and levels of experience. They provide stability for established practices and well-polished methods. Simultaneously, they stimulate invention and new solutions by exposing new power in understandable forms. The workshop will bring together researchers and scientists from different research domains, along with developers, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, to shape future directions for research, foster the exchange of ideas, standards and common requirements and push towards the wider adoption of science gateways.

They invite the submission of papers related to Science Gateways (here taken to include Virtual Research Environments and Virtual Labs). Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Architectures, frameworks and technologies for science gateways

* Science gateways sustaining productive collaborative communities

* Support for scalability and data-driven methods in science gateways

* Improving the reproducibility of science in science gateways

* Science gateway usability, portals, workflows and tools

* Aspects of science gateways, such as security and stability

They in particular encourage the submissions from application scientists and community members, reporting their experiences with science gateways.

There are three forms of presentation:

* talks

* lightning talks

* demonstrations.

Submission details are under

Edingburgh,Scotland, United Kingdom

IWSG 2018 - 10th International Workshop on Science Gateways