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Instruct-ERIC Events

OPEN SESAME and Instruct Macromolecular Crystallography Thematic School

Date: 01-Dec-2019 to 11-Dec-2019

Contact: Martin Walsh



The objective of this school will be to train young researchers from the Middle East in the techniques of macromolecular crystallography (MX) and Biological solution small angle X-ray scattering (BioSAXS).

The school will provide lecture coursework and hands-on training at Diamond’s MX and BioSAXS beamlines. The school will focus on the practical implementation of methods and the use of equipment for both techniques for macromolecular structure determination. The school will be run over 10 consecutive days and will provide for 3 funded participants from Sesame member countries. Over 30 expert tutors have been invited to teach on the course. A key part of the training will be to provide practical skills for the students to ensure they will be able to confidently use the Sesame beamlines to the best of their abilities. Students will also be made aware of the capabilities of the available infrastructure outside of Sesame to they can make informed judgements on how to engage with the most appropriate research centres and technology platforms to carry out their research effectively.

The course components will cover:

  • A series of lectures covering the practicalities of MX and BioSAXS data collection as well as theoretical background lectures relevant to collecting the best data from their samples
  • 2 full days of practical use of beamlines at Diamond where data will be collected and used in practicals and tutorials to take students through each stage of the structure determination pipelines for MX and BioSAXS
  • Advanced lectures will be given in data processing and analysis, structure solution, model building and refinement in both techniques.
  • Training on use of the CCP4 suite of programmes for MX
  • Training on the use of Scatter, DENSS, FOXS and CNS


Organising Committee

Martin Walsh (Diamond Light Source, MX)

Ray Owens (Harwell Research Complex and Instruct-ERIC)

Susan Daenke (Instruct-ERIC, Open -SESAME)

Dave Hall (Diamond Light Source, MX)

Eugene Krissinel (CCP4 & STFC/Research Complex at Harwell)

Rob Rambo (Diamond Light Source, bioSAXS)

Alberto Podjarny (IGBMC Strasbourg, Open-SESAME)


Participants will be accommodated on-site.


Applications are now closed


More about Open-SESAME project

Open-SESAME is a H2020 project comprising a consortium of 11 major international organisations in 8 countries, collectively providing a training path for researchers in the Middle East and neighbouring countries. The main objective is to train researchers and SESAME staff in current best practice methods and techniques to ensure an optimal exploitation of the SESAME light source. SESAME has broken new ground in being the first large accelerator complex to be fully powered by renewable energy. Open-SESAME is helping to develop the scientific community for researchers, technicians, policy makers and the public to support its role as an important driver for the scientific, technical, cultural and economic development of the region.


More about Diamond Light Source

In addition to multiple beamlines for life sciences structure determination, Diamond Light Source offers access to a wide range of equipment and laboratories for the life-sciences community, including off-line laboratories for sample preparation and characterisation, the Membrane Protein Laboratory and the new Imaging Centre (eBIC) providing the latest electron microscopy capabilities and expertise in the UK.


Diamond, Harwell, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

OPEN SESAME and Instruct Macromolecular Crystallography Thematic School