ARIA is experiencing some temporary instability. Our team is working to resolve it, but you may continue as usual. We appreciate your patience.

Instruct-ERIC Events

Cancelled: iNEXT-Discovery Kick-off

Date: 15-Apr-2020 to 17-Apr-2020

Contact: Hans Wienk


** Cancelled due to the Coronavirus measures **


The iNEXT-Discovery Kick-off meeting aims to re-introduce all partners to each other and their science, familiarize them with access and financial procedures, and discuss the first plans for the joint research activities. It will take place over three days:

  • Wednesday 15/4   Management meetings
  • Thursday 16/4      Overview and presentations from ESFRIs (morning), general assembly, finances, access, panel meetings (afternoon), dinner
  • Friday 17/4           Joint research activities (JRA) meetings


Wednesday: Executive Board members should be at the NKI by 11:00; Management Board members should be at the NKI by 14:00.
Thursday: All partners should be represented for an early start at 9:00; after the meeting there will be drinks and a buffet dinner for all partners.
Friday: JRA partners meetings; we plan to finish by 17:00 at the very latest.

The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) is about 20 minutes by taxi or 40 minutes by public transport from the Schiphol airport; more information.



NKI, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Cancelled: iNEXT-Discovery Kick-off