The MCS2019 is directed to 25 graduate students and/or researchers with some previous expertise in crystallography which need a deeper insight into most advanced crystallographic techniques to carry out their research projects. The school program covers aspects such as sample preparation, phasing, model building, crystallographic refinement, validation, and analysis of the structural results, as well as an overview on the newest technologies.
The event will be held at the at the CBE (Department of Crystallography and Structural Biology) of the Institute of Physical-Chemistry "Rocasolano", CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) Madrid, on 22-28 April 2019
Requests to participate must be sent by a free-formated e-mail, before March 1, 2019 to, indicating: (i) motivation to participate, (ii) background and experience on macromolecular crystallography, and (iii) interest in attending to the extra day (April 22, 2019) on Fundamentals in Crystallography. PhD students should also include a letter of recommendation from PhD Director. Accepted participants will be notified by e-mail before March 8, 2019. For more information about registration click here. To see the programme, including a talk from Prof Jose Maria Carazo (Director of the Instruct-ES Centre), click here. |
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Armando Albert (
Dr. Juan Hermoso (
Dr. Isabel Uson (