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Instruct-ERIC Events

Strengthening Structural Biology In Latin America

Date: 16-Jun-2021

Contact: Claudia Alen Amaro


Instruct Partner





We invite you to the workshop ‘Strengthening the Structural Biology Community in Latin America’. This virtual workshop will be a satellite to the Latin America Europe symposium in Research Infrastructure, beginning at 2pm (UTC-3), 16 June 2021.


Join the Structural Biology Workshop Here


The workshop will build on ongoing landscape analysis studies, understanding of how Structural Biology is being prioritised in different Latin American (LA) countries by collecting information on needs and challenges of the community in terms of access to the infrastructure required for research. The programme also includes the opportunity to discuss these challenge and plan for the future.

The symposium has confirmed participation from funders in many LA countries and Europe, their involvement in the discussions is crucial to ensure the inclusion of Structural Biology in the Infrastructure Road Maps in the different LA countries and in future collaboration between Europe and LA.  


Register Here


The symposium and our structural biology workshop have the support of two European funded projects - EU-LAC ResInfra and RI-VIS - as well as the European research infrastructure for Structural Biology, Instruct-ERIC.

The Latin American research infrastructure for structural biology, CeBEM, will also be represented during the workshop.

Book your space by registering for the event here.

We are looking forward to seeing you all!


This workshop is organised satellite to the Latin America-Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures, an event bringing together research infrastructures and policy makers from Latin America and Europe to build collaborations. Find out more about the symposium.



  • Natalia Lisa - Coordinator of CeBEM and Researcher of IBR-CONICET-UNR
  • Jose Maria Carazo - Biocomputing Unit, Head - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas CSIC
  • Richard Garratt - University of Sao Paulo
  • Claudia Alen Amaro - Senior Programme Manager, Instruct-ERIC
  • Cristina Nonato - Associate Professor, University of Sao Paolo
  • Felipe Trajtenberg - Tenured Research Scientist, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
  • Alejandro Buschiazzo - Research Scientist, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
  • Rodrigo Portugal - Researcher, LNNANO
  • Ana Zeri - Lead Researcher, LNLS
  • Susan Daenke - Instruct-ERIC Coordinator
  • Inmaculada Figueroa - Internationalisation of Science and Innovation, Ministry of Science & Innovation (MICINN); European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
  • Fernando Amestoy - Polo Cientifico y Tecnológico de Pando, Uruguay
  • Sir David Stuart - Professor of Structural Biology, University of Oxford

