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Instruct-ERIC Events

TRANSVAC 2 Annual meeting

Date: 19-Jun-2018 to 20-Jun-2018


The annual meeting is taking place at the University Foundation in Brussels, Belgium from 19-20 June. 

Francesca Morelli will represent Instruct-ERIC at this event.

The Annual Meeting is getting close, so here is a short update regarding this event.   

AGENDA: A provisional agenda for the meeting has been drafted and circulated. 

PARTICIPANTS: The list of participant have also been circulated and comments and corrections to be submitted before the meeting.

WORKSHOP (for Board of Stakeholders): the aim of the workshop is to define the gaps in the current TRANSVAC roadmap and to pave the path for an updated TRANSVAC roadmap. We will share a detailed agenda later this month.

We will build on the TRANSVAC and iPROVE roadmaps, taking into account the global activities, responses to emerging diseases, the Human Vaccines Project, new technologies (e.g. new devices for immunization) and other European and global initiatives. We will consider/analyze the role of the EU in this "new" landscape and in sustaining EU vaccine projects by implementing a permanent research infrastructure for early vaccine development.  

Please see:


TRANSVAC publication:

IPROVE Roadmap:

IPROVE publication:


ACCOMMODATION: if you are still looking for the accommodation in Brussels, you can choose one of the following options:

Hotel Aqua ( Price (inc. breakfast) for a single room: c.a. 165€ (regular price). Pre- booking is not valid anymore

Hotel Le Berger ( ): Price (inc. breakfast) for a room: 150€ (10% discount - a discount code in the attached offer).

The Pre-booking is valid until 30 May 2018

Hotel Chambord ( ) Price (inc. breakfast) for a single room: 160€, double room: 170€.

If you would like to use this option, please use the booking form provided in my previous mails.

The Pre-booking is valid until 31 May 2018

Brussels, Belgium

TRANSVAC 2 Annual meeting