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Instruct-ERIC Events

Virtual CCP4 Protein Crystallography Summer School 2021 (6th-10th September)

Registration Date: 05-Aug-2021 to 06-Aug-2021
Date: 06-Sep-2021 to 11-Sep-2021

Contact: ARIA Administrator

The Summer School will provide an introduction to macromolecular X-ray crystallography and will be held virtually.

The school will take place from Monday 6 September – Friday 10 September inclusive and is intended for students and researchers new to crystallography.

Its dual aims are to provide comprehensive training in crystallography and to promote best practices. The lectures cover the range of techniques required for protein structure solution, from protein expression to structure validation. Intensively supervised computer tutorials enable students to relate the theory presented in the lectures to practice.

Teaching hours will be restricted to approximately 9am – 6pm (BST) and will include regular breaks. There will be ample opportunities for the students to interact with each other and the tutors via social media platforms, and optional social events will run on some evenings.

Students will be expected to have good access to the internet and a computer capable of running crystallographic software.

The school will begin on the morning of Monday 6 September with an “ice breaker” event and students and tutors will need to provide a 1-2 min video describing themselves and their interests ~2 weeks before the event. These will be shared with all attendees prior to the event.

For more information and applications click here

Any Further Questions please contact:

