Instruct-ERIC | iNEXT | West-Life |
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The meeting is scheduled for the 13th October from 9:00-17:00 UK time and it will be held at the Welcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics in Oxford.
Attendance list:
Dave Stuart - Instruct-ERIC
Martyn Winn - STFC
Alexander Bonvin - Utrech University
Anastassis Perrakis - Netherlands Cancer Institute
Marco Verlato - Istituto Nazionale di Fisca Nucleare
Renault Raijmakers - Bijvoet Center, Netherlands
Jose Marquez - EMBL, France
Martin Waslsh - Diamond Light Source
Susan Daenke - Instruct-ERIC
Claudia Alen Amaro - Instruct-ERIC
Narayanan Krishnan - Instruct-ERIC
Fiona Sanderson - Instruct-ERIC
Antonio Rosato - CERM
The meeting objectives are to define a process for making a decision on sustainability for the services developed and offered through iNEXT and West-Life. West-Life will end on 31st October 2018; iNEXT will end on 31st August 2019; Instruct-ULTRA will end on 31st December 2020.
Key considerations will be:
- understanding the full provision of all services offered by each project;
- a process for the audit of services;
- methods for maintaining services technically (updates, further development);
- future H2020 calls relevant to sustainability (e.g. INFRAIA-01-2018-2019: Integrating Activities for Advanced Communities, 2019 deadline, for iNEXT2);
- routes to sustainability: Instruct-ERIC, other options.
Meeting Programme:
10.00 Welcome: Coffee/tea and pastries
10.30 1. Meeting convened: Chaired by Dave Stuart
Welcome and introductions, objectives of the meeting
10.45 2. Instruct, iNEXT and West-Life should each provide a short presentation on their services, their target communities and all potential solutions for sustainability, considering the following:
Provide priorities for sustainability solutions if appropriate.
12.30 Lunch
13.15 3. Process for full Audit of services provided/ in development by each project;
Who compiles the list of services for each project/RI à in which format; what information should be included?
Who provides the information to the panel (see 4)?
Timeframe for completing this (see Relevant deadlines below)
15.00 4. Convene a small review panel (e.g. Stephen Burley, Wah Chiu [Instruct-ERIC and Instruct-ULTRA SAB], [Gerard Kleywegt, Gebhart Schertler – external experts], others?) to assess the quality and provision of all services in audit list – link this task with the Instruct-ULTRA evaluation of Instruct infrastructure.
Who will manage/support the Panel activities?
Panel will report to all parties including Instruct-ERIC Executive Committee, Instruct-ULTRA, iNEXT and West-Life management bodies. How to consolidate a single report to satisfy all needs:
16.00 Close meeting
Relevant documents :
W-L D1.4 Draft sustainability workplan (delivered m18) - attached
Relevant deadlines:
September 2017 – D2.1 Plan a programme for review of Instruct infrastructure with external panel (ULTRA month 9)
March 2018 – new Milestone - Outline sustainability plan available (W-L month 28)
May 2018 – MS4 Approval of sustainability plan by Executive Steering Committee (W-L month 30)
August 2018 – D6.2 Report on model for future SB access in Europe (iNEXT month 36)
August 2018 – D6.3 Report on financial sustainability (iNEXT month 36)
November 2018 – D1.5 Sustainability Report (W-L month 36)
August 2019 – D6.4 Draft sustainability plan (iNEXT month 48)
December 2019 – D2.5 Sustainability draft plan submitted to Instruct Council for review (ULTRA month 36)
Calls: H2020 INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 call deadline 20 March 2019 - attached