ARIA is experiencing some temporary instability, and our team is working to resolve it. We appreciate your patience.

july 2015 meeting in Dresden?

Dear P4EU friends,

next 18-22nd July 2015, the European Biophysics Congress will be hosted in Dresden (

Since my last email, here is a short update of what happened:

 - about 10 P4EU members support the idea of having our meeting during / after this Congress in Dresden

- the Association of Resources for Biophysical Research in Europe (ARBRE, Patrick England) would be very happy to have a joint session with maybe two talks, one from P4EU and one from ARBRE, on a topic of mutual interest and of interest to the EBSA2015 audience.

- thanks to Peggy, we will have some time to further discuss the topic and the format in Vienna.


Please, feel free to add your comments.

I’ll keep you posted



Posted on 22-Jul-2014 10:46 CEST
Barbara Borgonovo

Count me in.



Posted on 22-Jul-2014 11:32 CEST
Frederico Silva
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