ARIA is experiencing some temporary instability. Our team is working to resolve it, but you may continue as usual. We appreciate your patience.

​​Editing an Access Route

1. Go to ‘ Your Admin’

2. If you have not already logged in, the ARIA log in page will appear.



3. Once logged into ARIA click on ‘Configuration’ then ‘Access Routes’ and finally ‘edit access Routes’. ‘Access route’ will only be available if you are an administrator on Aria. If you have limited access then contact the Instruct Hub Team.


4. Search for the access route that you wish to add a moderator to by typing the name in to the search bar. 

5.  Once you have found the access route click ‘Edit access route’

6. ‘Edit Access Route’ will allow you to edit the; name, short description, the submission, logo, and email. As well as editing ‘Access Proposal Options’, reporting display configuration, access guidelines, and participants and administrators. Make sure if you make any edits you press ‘save changes’.