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Research Infrastructure Catalogue Options

Research Infrastructures have three options for how they would like to display their service catalogue.


1. Complete the spreadsheet with each service/technology that is available to users at every centre (facility). Each service must include every machine that is involved in the workflow process, and specify how many of these machines need to be used per access visit.

2. This will be presented in the catalogue as a series of technology types. The list/range of technology types available will be derived from the number of different types specified in the spreadsheet.

3. The user will select the type of technology that they wish to access when submitting their proposal.

4. The user will then select the technology they wish to use at the Centre of their choice.

5. Once the proposal has been submitted, reviewed and moderated, the chosen technology/machinery workflow will be visible to the user. They must complete each step of the workflow in order, as described in the spreadsheet.


1. The spreadsheet will be completed with all machines, technologies, and services available at each centre. This will then be presented in the catalogue as a list of available centres.

2. The user will select the Centre that they wish to visit when submitting their proposal. They will have a choice of all available locations.

3. Once they have selected their chosen Centre, they will have the option of which technology/service they wish to access.

4. - Once the proposal has been submitted, reviewed and moderated, the chosen technology/machinery workflow will be visible to the user. They must complete each step of the workflow in order, as described in the spreadsheet.


1. The spreadsheet will include all individual services and technologies available to users at each Centre. This includes each machine that the service requires per visit.

2. The user will be given the option of all available technologies when submitting their proposal. They can select their chosen service and centre directly.

3. Once the proposal has been submitted, reviewed and moderated, the chosen technology/machinery workflow will be visible to the user. They must complete each step of the workflow in order, as described in the spreadsheet.


This guide will demonstrate how users will see the service catalogue, depending on the chosen option.

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