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Providing Visit feedback (user)


  1. Go to and login.

  2. Click "Dashboard" on the right of the top navigation bar.

  3. Click "View Proposal" beside the proposal associated with the visit for which you wish to provide feedback.

  1. On the visit page, in the panel for the visit you wish to provide feedback, click  "Submit Report" purple button on the right hand side.

This should open up a feedback form. Form fields are specific to the service/technology accessed.

  1. Complete the form in as much detail as possible. Responses will be sent to the service visited.
  2. There may be a final form field for comments on issues encountered with the project which will not be shared with the service provider but is visible to instruct staff only. This box is marked as such on the form.

  1. Confirm the visiting user(s) is listed under "Proposal Users" by clicking the checkbox. If the visiting user is not listed, they can be added lower down in the page before confirming.
  2. Click "Complete Review" to send the feedback form. Feedback must be received to formally complete and close the visit.
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