ARIA is experiencing some temporary instability. Our team is working to resolve it, but you may continue as usual. We appreciate your patience.

Using the access dashboard


  1. Go to ‘Your Admin’ 

2. If you have not already logged in, you will be redirected to the ARIA login page.

3. Once directed to the ARIA homepage click ‘Facility’, then ‘External Access’ and finally, ‘Access Dashboard’

4. Once you have clicked ‘Access Dashboard’ many icons and options are shown for the next steps. 


5.  'Access Dashboard' allows you to do a variety actions e.g. edit or change a proposal, modifying visits, user access, messaging users, and cancelling user access.

6. It also allows you to access proposals by clicking ‘Access Proposal’ shown in the blue label.

7. The ‘Access Dashboard’ also allows you to review and access proposals, along with leaving feedback. This is accessed by clicking on ‘Access Detail’ shown in the purple label.

8. 'Access Dashboard’ also has several filters that allow you to search for the proposals you are looking to access or edit. 


9. To make your search more precise, you can apply filters by adding the necessary information. Make sure you press apply filters for it to work. 


10. The 'Filter' option also allows you to find which proposals still need completing. This is done by clicking 'Show Pending Review' and then 'Apply Filters'.