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Navigating to the booking calendar

There are a number of ways to reach the instrument booking calendar.

  • From the homepage:

1. Go to the homepage and click on 'Facility' in the top content bar, then click on 'Internal Instrument Booking' 

2.  After you have selected 'Internal Instrument Booking' it will direct you to a new page. Click on book instrument. 

  • Via the Dashboard:
    1. Click "Dashboard" on the right of the top navigation bar.
    2. Click on the "Book Instrument" button. 
  • Via "Your admin":
    1. Click on "Your admin" on the ARIA bar at the bottom of the page. 
    2. Select the "Facility" tab marked by the building-shaped icon, then "Booking Calendar".
    3. For information on how to make a booking on a machine please see the guide Making or requesting a machine booking.