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Reviewing a proposal

This is a website guide and does not provide guidelines for review. For such guidelines please see either:

Access route specific guidelines will also appear in a sidebar for reference when completing the review.

  1. Go to and login. 
    OR go to the "submit proposal" page if you are coming from different access and login

  2. Click on "Your Admin" on the ARIA bar at the bottom of the page. (If you cannot see this then you can access the page via

  3. Click on the "Access Management" box-shaped icon.

  4. Click on "Access Proposals", then "Review Proposals".

    The review page is split into the following sections:

    • Proposals to Review
    • Previously reviewed proposals
  5. Under "Proposals to Review" is a table of proposals which require review. The table can be searched for keywords or PIDs to locate specific proposals.

  6. Once the proposal to be reviewed has been located, in the right hand "Actions" column, click "Review".

  7. Click the "View Proposal" button to access the full proposal. This can be opened in a new window if desired.

  8. Back on the Review page, fill in all of the fields to complete the review. Guidelines for completion of the review can be seen in the right hand sidebar.

  9. Submit completed review by clicking the "Submit Review" button. After submission the review cannot be modified.