ARIA is experiencing some temporary instability. Our team is working to resolve it, but you may continue as usual. We appreciate your patience. ARIA will also be unavailable in the morning of Monday 10th March 2025 due to scheduled maintenance
2. Click on "Your Admin" on the ARIA bar at the bottom of the page.(If you cannot see this then you can access the page via
3. Click on the speech bubble icon on the top left of the page.
4. The messaging page will display all message threads in the left panel. Any unread messages will appear in green, until they are read. This panel can display the inbox, outbox and any ongoing saved drafts. The right panel will display the messages – unread messages will appear in green. Messages can be opened or collapsed using the + and – icons.
1. Click the pad-and-pen "new message" icon at the bottom right of the page.
2. Fill in the message title and body.
3. Add recipients by clicking in the "Recipients" text box and type the name of an ARIA user to add them to the conversation.
4. Add any required attachments by clicking the "Choose Files" field
1. Search for the message that you wish to action using the left panel. Either filter, search or find the message. When a new message is received, a notification will appear next to the inbox.
2. A choice of actions are available for the message:
Star: Identify the message for future actions
Recipients: See the full list of recipients of the message, and their status
Reply: Reply to the message
Keyboard Shortcuts: See the full list of keyboard shortcuts available in the ARIA messaging system
To view/change participants in a message
1. Locate the message that you wish to view participants for and click to select it on the left hand pane of the messaging page.
2. Click on the people "Message participants" icon on the right hand side of the page, above the selected conversation.
A box should appear with a table of participants in the conversation. For message participants who should remain anonymous to the user (e.g. moderators/administrators) a role may appear instead of the name of the individual.
You can turn on/off your own notifications for this individual message by checking or unchecking the checkbox in the notifications column under your name.
You can add other ARIA users to the conversation by typing their name in the text box below the table and clicking "Add User". Please note that some users may not have the permission to add users to existing conversations.
You can delete participants from the list if you are an admin for the message by clicking the cross sign at the end right side of the participant name as shown below.
To Enure ARIA Messages are Received by Email
In your ARIA profile, scroll to the bottom of the page. There will be two dropdown menus under the heading "ARIA Settings": Messaging Email Preferences, and Booking Email Preferences.
If you would prefer to receive ARIA messages in your email inbox as well as on ARIA, leave this as the default, "ON". To only receive ARIA messages in ARIA, change this to "OFF"