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Instruct-ERIC Open for Industry Access to Structural Biology


Instruct-ERIC provides a industry with a single point of entry to a wide range of state-of-the-art structural biology techniques and expertise. 

Through Instruct you can gain access to cutting-edge techniques and technologies along with fostering collaborations with experts in their field. Establishing these collaborations can save huge costs of training and investment in instrumentation that could be accessed through Instruct.


In the last three years, Instruct centres have hosted access visits from over 50 industry partners, representing companies from the Biotech, Pharma, Health, Chemistry, Biomaterials and Agrifood sectors. This includes university spin-off companies, small medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and large companies.  

Services include cryo-EM, X-ray crystallography, NMR, protein production, EPR, analytical ultracentrifugation, surface plasmon resonance, DSC crystallography and small angle X-ray scattering. 



 Tailored to Industry clients

    ✅ World class scientific expertise

    ✅ Single point of access

    ✅ Fast turnaround

    ✅ Flexible service

    ✅ Competitive price for high-end technology

    ✅ IP, NDA and Service Level Agreements available



What technologies?

Check out our list of structural biology services offered to industry for proprietary research       

researchers structural biology

Which centres host Industry visits?

Leading world class research institutions offer access to Industry

researchers structural biology

What events and training?

Training in cryo-EM, NMR, computational biology open to Industry and tailored courses possible Read more >>

Case Studies


Cryo-EM for drug design

Calixar used CryoEM technology at the Instruct Centre in Strasburg, France, to describe the first molecular architecture of potassium chloride co-transporter KCC2, with relevance to brain trauma, epilepsies, autism, and schizophrenia. Read more > >.


Structure-based antigen design

Glaxo Smith Kline used NMR technology at the Instruct Centre in Florence, Italy, to determine the structure of some Neisseria meningitidis factor H-binding protein fHbp variants, towards identification of optimal antigens for vaccine development. Read more > >.


"The collaboration between our company and the Italian centre of Instruct-ERIC has been key for determining the structure-based antigen design against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B using NMR spectroscopy. Thanks to the high-end NMR instruments and the expertise in structural biology available at CERM/CIRMMP, we have been able to deliver the first recombinant protein-based meningococcal vaccine targeting a challenging disease."  

Ilaria Ferlenghi, GSK Vaccines, S.r.l.



"I was delighted to have access to the expertise and dedicated capabilities at the Instruct centre in Strasbourg, France. Thanks to this collaborative effort, we were able to describe the first molecular architecture of potassium chloride co-transporter KCC2. We have also collected high resolution data using their state-of-the-art facilities. We are confident that this work will enable structure-based drug discovery soon. This type of collaboration with Instruct is a game-changer and will be certainly duplicated for other highly druggable targets".

Anass Jawhari, CSO, CALIXAR




Instruct has well-developed partnerships with manufacturers of the technology used in Instruct Centres, including ThermofisherBrukerAgilentRigakuQiagen and Leica Microsystems. These companies have worked with Instruct scientists to implement new methodologies and real advances have been made in recent years. 



For price lists, cost information, or advice selecting which technology would answer your specific research question, please contact our Industry  Liaison office using the contact form below.