Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

3 year postdoctoral position in Abrescia lab, CIC bioGUNE Spain

CIC bioGUNE (Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences), Bilbao, Spain
Application deadline: 01 Mar 2025

A postdoctoral position is available at the Abrescia Lab in the CIC bioGUNE research centre ( near Bilbao, Spain, to work on structure-function studies of virus-host interactions
and virus assembly.


The project aims to develop animal vaccines by using SPA cryo-EM to characterize viral proteins and their complexes with monoclonal antibodies.


Applicants should hold a PhD (awarded within the last 3 years), ideally in structural biology or virology and be highly motivated to utilize computational tools in electron microscopy. Prior experience in image processing (SPA cryo-EM) and/or methods development and programming is desirable.


The Postdoctoral position is a three-year contract, with a start date of 1 March 2025.


The CIC bioGUNE research center is equipped with an operative EM platform (with JEOL 200 kV and 120 kV ‘feeder’ microscopes) and has routine access to the nearby BasqueResource for Electron Microscopy (BREM) facility equipped with a Titan Krios G4 and Aquilos II. Additionally, the Abrescia Lab has regular access to other major infrastructures in the EU.


For informal inquiries, please contact
If interested, send your CV, including the names of two potential referees, as a PDF file to with the subject line "Postdoc Position."


About the city: Bilbao is a vibrant city at the heart of the Basque Country, Northern Spain’s most famous region. The Basque Country is a nurturing place for science with a fast-developing and advanced scientific community and infrastructure, please see