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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

A Four-Year Wellcome Trust PhD Programme

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Application deadline: 06 Jan 2013

Structural Biology: From Molecules to Cells

Directors: Professor Mark Sansom and Professor David Stuart

This graduate programme is intended to provide training in structural biology and related biochemical, genetic and cell biological approaches to understand molecular and cellular function. Designed to nurture independent and creative scientists, the programme offers a stimulating educational experience.

Students spend the first year learning a range of structural biology techniques by undertaking two five-month projects in different laboratories and by following taught courses. These elements are intended to expose students to possible thesis advisers and prepare them for their doctoral work. Students can then make an informed choice of their main thesis research project for the subsequent three years. Projects cover a wide range of topics and techniques in structural biology, including NMR; X-ray crystallography; electron microscopy; a wide range of biophysical, genetic and cell biological techniques; bioinformatics and molecular simulations.

For Further info, please click here.