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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

PhD position

Paris, France
Application deadline: 20 Sep 2013

Applications are invited for a PhD position in the group of Dr. Isabelle Broutin at the Laboratory of Biological Crystallography and NMR, located within the Faculty of Pharmacy, Paris Descartes University.

The goal of the research project is to understand the molecular assembly and function of the bacterial multi-drug efflux pumps, one of the main antibiotic resistance mechanisms of the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The work will involve molecular cloning, protein engineering, membrane protein expression, purification, crystallization and X-ray crystallography. Besides, multidisciplinary approaches such as FRAPP (Fluorescence Recovery After Pattern Photobleaching), BN-PAGE (Blue Native Gel Electrophoresis) and in vivo complementation assays will be used to characterize the formation of the membrane protein complexes.

The successful applicant must possess a Master degree in biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics or related discipline. Experience in molecular biology techniques (e.g. PCR, cloning and mutagenesis) or protein expression and purification is desirable.

This PhD position is funded for three years by the french association “Vaincre la Mucoviscidose”. The ideal starting date would be October 2013.

To apply, please send CV and contact details of two referees to Dr. Isabelle Broutin ( and Dr. Gilles Phan (