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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

PhD position: structural biology of iron-sulfur protein biogenesis in eukaryotes

CERM/CIRMMP, Florence, Italy, Italy
Application deadline: 31 Jan 2013

The project will address biological and structural biology questions regarding the molecular mechanisms responsible of the maturation of iron-sulfur proteins. The student will employ molecular, biochemical approaches to identify soluble domains and complexes for structural biology investigation. The candidate will also be involved in the structural characterization of these domains and complexes either with or without prior knowledge of the structure. This can include a wide range of tools from bioinformatic and biophysical characterization to NMR and X-ray structural techniques.

During the PhD project, the student will turn familiar with the following techniques:
  • Protein expression in bacteria
  • Purification using FPLC, affinity chromatography and allied techniques
  • EPR. Circular dichrosim
  • UV-visible. NMR
  • Crystallographic screening
  • X-ray crystallography
  • Molecular Biology
This PhD project will provide an attractive balance of biochemical and biophysical/structural approaches providing the successful applicant with a broad and competitive skill-set.
CERM is very well equipped for all aspects of modern structural biology, with state-of-the-art laboratories for molecular biology, recombinant expression in bacterial system, biochemistry, biophysics, NMR and X-ray crystallography. For further details visit
To apply, please send your CV complete of two references at:
Applications are welcome from European and International students.

The ideal candidate has a Master degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry.