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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Post-doctoral position

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK, United Kingdom
Application deadline: 09 Jun 2013

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
Post-doctoral position

We seek to appoint a postdoctoral researcher to the Division of Structural Studies to undertake protein crystallographic analysis of the anaphase promoting complex (APC/C) and its subunits.  This is an Investigator Scientist position funded by Cancer Research UK for 3 years and is located at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK within the group of David Barford.

The Investigator Scientist will join a team investigating the structure and mechanism of the anaphase promoting complex (APC/C), a large macro-molecular assembly that regulates progression through the cell cycle. The project will focus on crystal structure determination of the whole APC/C and APC/C subunits and sub-complexes. This project extends our existing 11 Å resolution structure determined using single particle electron microscopy and takes advantage of our recombinant over-expression system for reconstituting APC/C (da Fonseca et al., (2011) and Schreiber et al., (2011)). The project would suit a highly motivated and committed scientist interested in molecular mechanisms of the cell cycle, cancer biology and structural biology.

The successful applicant will hold at least a PhD (or equivalent) in a biological/physical science. Experience with protein crystallographyis essential and experience with protein crystallisation and purification would be an advantage.

The post is available from 1st October 2013 (or earlier).  The starting salary will be set within £26,282 to £31,686.  However, the full salary range for a position of this type is from £26,282 - £37,040.

Informal enquires may be made to David Barford (

Applications are handled by the RCUK Shared Services Centre; to apply please visit our job board at If you are unable to apply online please contact us on 01793 867003 quoting reference IRC94711

Closing date: 9th June 2013