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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Post-doctoral position

Cancer Research UK, Bizkaia, United Kingdom
Application deadline: 08 Oct 2013

A post-doctoral position is available in the group of Sean Connell at the Structural Biology Unit at the CIC bioGUNE, near Bilbao (Spain) ( The project will include characterizing complexes of the translational machinery in particular those related to signal transduction, protein folding and assembly. This will involve using genetic screens to identify novel ligands and characterizing them using a hybrid approach including cryo-EM and NMR & X-ray crystallography (in collaboration with the Fucini group).

The CIC bioGUNE has a state-of-the art infrastructure for sample preparation, biophysical characterization and structural analysis (crystallization screening, X-ray facilities, a JEOL JEM-2200FS 200kV field emission gun (FEG) electron microscope with Omega filter and a NMR 800 MHz Bruker US2 Avance II magnet equipped with a cryoprobe). The Institute is integrated in a multidisciplinary environment suited to foster scientific excellence.

Applicants should have a PhD in biochemistry, structural or molecular biology, biophysics or a related area. Experience in electron microscopy, NMR and/or X-ray crystallography is desirable, but not required. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV, and contact info of three references to Sean Connell ( The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. Informal enquires are also welcome.

The position is available immediately and is internally funded by the CIC bioGUNE for a period of three years.

Bilbao is a modern cultural center exemplified by the Guggenheim Museum, offers a vibrant nightlife and incredible world renowned gastronomy. Bilbao’s greatest advantages is that it is surrounded by mountains (always covered in rich green forests) while being very close to the Atlantic (just a 30 min metro trip).