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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Post doctoral position/assistant professor

University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Application deadline: 01 Nov 2013

Identification of compounds that are potential drugs targeting the putative breast cancer oncogene KDM5B

The Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen is offering a two-year post doctoral position/assistant professor within Identification of compounds that are potential drugs targeting the putative breast cancer oncogene KDM5B commencing January 1 2014 or soon thereafter.
The project is a collaboration between Assoc. Prof. Henrik Franzyk from the Natural Product Research group and the Chromatin Modifications group from Biostructural Research, both units located at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology.

Brief project description
The project aims at the identification of new peptide- and oligonucleotide-based scaffolds for potential drugs targeting the histone demethylase and putative oncogene KDM5B. The position will be anchored at the Biostructural Research section, Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen. The Biostructural Research section provides the basis for structural and functional studies of a wide range of different proteins involved in health and disease.

Further information
For further information, please contact Professor Michael Gajhede, tel. +45 3533 6407.

Qualifications required
The preferred applicant will be an experimentally oriented scientist who preferably has experience with structural biology and enzymatic assays. The applicant should also have an interest in peptide chemistry.