A postdoctoral position is available at the Clare Hall Laboratories, Cancer Research UK, in the research team of Dr. Alessandro Costa. The group combines biochemistry and three-dimensional cryo-electron microscopy to study the molecular mechanism of genome duplication in eukaryotic cells. The laboratory is fully equipped for molecular biology and protein work and houses cryo-grid preparation instruments, including a FEI Vitrobot Mark IV automated plunge freezer. In addition, the group enjoys access to state of the art core facilities at the London Research Institute, including cell services, protein purification, mass spectrometry, parallel computing and electron microscopy (housing two FEI Tecnai Spirit instruments). The cryo-EM work is performed locally on a JEM2100 electron microscope, while high-resolution data collection trips are periodically arranged to access the FEI Titan Krios at NeCEN, Leiden.
We are looking for a highly motivated individual with a passion for mechanistic enzymology. Candidates should hold a PhD in structural biology, biochemistry or related fields. A strong background in protein biochemistry / in vitroreconstitution of multi-protein complexes will be a plus. Alternatively, a focused expertise in cryo-electron microscopy will be considered an advantage.