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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Postdoctoral Fellow

Max Planck Society, Frankfurt, Germany
Application deadline: 15 Jul 2013

In a joint project of the Goethe University Frankfurt/Germany and the Max-Planck-Institute of Biophysics and funded by the Cluster of Excellence for Macromolecular Complexes, we have an open position for a Postdoc working on structural characterization of membrane protein complexes by X-ray free electron laser (X-FEL) crystallography. We are looking for a highly motivated person who is particularly interested in developing new approaches for crystallization and structural analysis of large membrane protein complexes. The candidate must have a strong background in structural biology and experience in membrane protein purification and crystallization. Experience in collection and processing of X-ray diffraction data as well as preferentially also in X-FEL crystallography is desirable. 
We offer a highly stimulating and well-equipped research environment, integrated in the life science campus Riedberg with its exceptional expertise and interest in macromolecular (membrane and soluble) complexes (
The position is available from July 2013, and the initial appointment is for 1 year, with an option for extension. Consideration of applications starts when this job advertisement appears.