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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Postdoctoral Position in Washington DC

Washington DC, USA published from, United Kingdom
Application deadline: 26 Dec 2013

A postdoctoral fellow position is available in the Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit headed by Dr. Antonina Roll-Mecak to work on structural studies of microtubule regulators. Research in the  Roll-Mecak lab focuses on understanding the interplay  between microtubules and their regulators and how tubulin post-translational modifications  tune the behavior of motors and  microtubule associated proteins  (see for instance Garnham and  Roll-Mecak, 2012; Szyk  et al., 2011). We  use a  combination of  biochemistry,structural biology, cell biology and single-molecule fluorescence techniques  and a member of  this  lab will have an opportunity to be exposed to all these areas.

For more information about the lab and living in the Washington D.C. area, please visit:

The successful  candidate must  have  a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline with a strong publication record and expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry and crystallography. The position offers  a  generous salary and  benefits package.  Please send  a CV, a one-page research experience summary and contact information of three references to Please write “Fellow- structural biology” in the subject header.