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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Postdoctoral Research Scientist

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Application deadline: 27 Jun 2011

Structural Studies

We are seeking a Postdoctoral Scientist to join Dr Murray Stewart's Structural Cell Biology group. You will use a combination of structural, biochemical and molecular approaches to establish the molecular mechanism of mRNA nuclear export and to determine the molecular basis for the formation and disassembly of export-competent mRNP particles.

You should have a PhD in a Biological subject.

The successful applicant will have practical experience in X-ray crystallography, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, especially with respect to determining the structure of proteins, growing crystals, determining binding constants, expressing proteins in bacteria, and site-directed engineering of mutants. Experience in nuclear transport or yeast Cell Biology and having a strong publication record, with at least one first-author paper in a peer-reviewed journal, would also be advantageous.

The successful applicant will be awarded an MRC Career Development Fellowship, which is a three year training and development position for a postdoctoral scientist who has recently completed their doctoral studies or is moving into a new research discipline.

Your salary is supported by 30 days' annual leave entitlement, an optional MRC final salary pension scheme and excellent on site sports and social facilities.

Closing Date: Monday 27 Jun 2011

Further information can be obtained from Dr Stewart

Further details

The documents below are provided in Microsoft Word format.

Job Description & Person Specification - IRC23438.doc

How to Apply

Applications for this role should be made on-line through the Research Councils UK recruitment website, using the i-Recruitment application wizard at:

  • Click on the Available Jobs tab
  • Input the reference number in the Keywords field (the reference should start with IRC followed by numbers)
  • Click the search box
  • Scroll down and click the white Select box to the left of the vacancy
  • Click the Apply Now button to the right of the vacancy
  • Follow the on-screen instructions

Please note that you will need to register as a user for i-Recruitment before applying for vacancies. The above application instructions will take you to a 'register' link which you should click if you have not used i-recruitment previously.

If you are unable to complete the online application for any reason, please contact our Recruitment section:

Tel: 01793 867000, and select option 3 for HR. Alternatively you can e-mail: