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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Principal Beamline Scientist, High-throughput SAXS Beamline B21

Diamond Light Source Ltd, Harwell, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Application deadline: 06 Oct 2013


Diamond Light Source is the UK’s national synchrotron and a leading scientific facility of its type in the world. Located on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in South Oxfordshire, we host research facilities supporting cutting edge research in all fields of science.

B21 is a tuneable bending magnet beamline dedicated to small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) which will provide a highly automated platform for users from all the major scientific disciplines; although it is recognised that there is an increased need for SAXS in the biological sciences and significant effort has been focused on provision of automated BioSAXS capabilities at Diamond. The endstation will have considerable flexibility whilst maintaining the primary goal of allowing a high level of automation and throughput.

The Principal Beamline Scientist will take overall responsibility for the operation, maintenance and development of B21 and assist in supporting academic and industrial users who visit the beamline. The successful candidate will be expected to develop an internationally competitive research programme which aligns with the beamline’s capabilities. We particularly welcome structural biologists with experience in SAXS and its application to biological systems. 


To provide the lead in the management of the operation, maintenance and development of the high throughput SAXS beamline B21, working closely with other SAXS scientists within the soft condensed matter village and the relevant support groups at Diamond. Pursue an internationally competitive research programme to complement the capabilities of the Diamond suite of SAXS beamlines.

Take a leading responsibility for the B21 beamline in the following areas:

  • Continued commissioning and optimisation of the beamline;
  • Operation of the beamline user programme plus assist in coordinating access to the beamline;
  • Coordination of upgrade and development of instrumentation and software on the beamline;
  • Carry out an independent and internationally competitive research programme in an area relevant to the SAXS beamlines at Diamond.
  • Ensure that the beamline and associated facilities continue to meet the scientific requirements as agreed with the user community;
  • Budget management;
  • Take responsibility for monitoring and reporting of the beamline’s progress, providing regular updates to the Divisional Director and other internal and external stakeholders.

Qualifications and Experience: Essential

  • Appropriate PhD degree or equivalent qualification or experience;
  • Demonstrated expertise in all aspects of small angle X-ray scattering;
  • Demonstrated experience in the management of staff;
  • Experience with Windows/ Linux/Unix;
  • Ability and initiative to get to the heart of the problem and take it effectively through to completion;
  • Good interpersonal, communication and presentational skills;
  • Ability to interact effectively with staff at all levels;
  • Ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team;
  • Self motivation

Qualifications and Experience: Desirable

  • Python and/or Java programming;
  • Project management;
  • Commissioning and operation of a SAXS beamline;
  • Beamline instrumentation and optics
  • Demonstrated experience in biological solution scattering experiments.

Further Information

Must be available to travel occasionally within the UK and abroad, including overnight absences.

For an informal discussion about this vacancy, please email and your enquiry will be directed accordingly.

Applying for employment
For further details on applying for employment at Diamond, please visit our 'Application Form' page.