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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Research Associate

Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
Application deadline: 30 Sep 2013

A Research Associate post is available to join Professor Stephen Curry’s research group on the structural biology of enzymes from RNA viruses in the Department of Life Sciences.  You will be based at the South Kensington Campus of Imperial College London. 

Our recent work has established new breakthroughs in the structural and functional analyses of proteases, polymerases and helicases from picornaviruses and caliciviruses (see for publications).  We are now looking to take this work forward in exciting new directions.

The post will involve taking on the role of lead researcher on a project to investigate structural and functional aspects of enzymes from RNA viruses. The project is of a highly multi-disciplinary nature and will likely involve protein structure determination by protein crystallography and NMR (the latter in collaboration with Professor Matthews’ group).

The successful candidate must hold or be in the process of obtaining a PhD in a relevant subject (preferably structure determination by protein crystallography) or have equivalent level of professional qualifications and experience. A BSc in a relevant subject such as biochemistry or molecular biology is also essential. 

Previous experience of working in a structural biology research environment is a must.  The post holder should also have knowledge and experience of the following areas: X-ray data collection at synchrotron sources, structure determination of macromolecules by X-ray crystallography, cloning, over-expression and purification of proteins and preparation and handling of recombinant proteins.

A good understanding of one or more of the following areas is desirable: protein over-expression in E. coli (with and without minimal media), the requirements of sample preparation for NMR methods, the Linux operating system, and data processing with the CCP4 package, CNS or Phenix refinement and model building in O/coot.

You must be able to conduct a detailed and critical review of recent literature, have the ability to develop and apply new concepts and have a creative approach to problem-solving.  You will also have strong verbal and written communication skills, be able to write clearly and succinctly for publication and be competent in Microsoft Office, image editing and molecular graphics.

This is a fixed term position available immediately for up to 18 months. 

Our preferred method of application is online via our website (please select “Job Search” then enter the job title or vacancy reference number including spaces – NS 2013 207 SP into “Keywords”).  Please complete and upload an application form as directed.

For informal enquiries please contact Professor Stephen Curry via email on

Alternatively, if you are unable to apply online, please contact Hafiza Bibi by email to request an application form.

Closing date: 30 September 2013

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