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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Research Engineer Position

IGBMC-CERBM, Illkirch, Strasbourg, France
Application deadline: 17 Jun 2013


IGBMC is one of the leading European centers in biomedical research. It is devoted to the study of higher eukaryotes genome and to the control of genetic expression as well as the functional analysis of genes and proteins. This knowledge is applied to studies of human pathologies.

Research Engineer Fixed-term contract

The production of multi-subunit protein complexes is essential for current molecular and structural analyses. The construction of sophisticated expression vectors combined with the multiplicity of expression systems makes the production of recombinant macromolecular assemblies highly challenging. The development of efficient methods in this area is therefore of uttermost importance.

As part of the French national (FRISBI) and European (INSTRUCT) structural biology infrastructure, the Center for Integrative Biology (CIB) at IGBMC provides a cutting-edge technological environment to characterize the functioning of biological systems from the atomic to the cellular scales. Specifically, the CIB is recognized for its strong expertise in the production and structural characterization of proteins and macromolecular complexes.

To streamline the production of recombinant multi-protein complexes, we continuously develop new technologies.


In this context, we are seeking a highly motivated molecular biologist to develop and automate procedures for the assembly of multi-gene constructs suitable for expression of complexes in various hosts, particularly in insect and mammalian cells. This funded position is available for 2 years with possibility of extension.


Applicants should have a PhD or equivalent doctoral degree with at least 3 years of proven research in molecular biology, biochemistry and/or structural biology. 

Required skills and abilities

  • The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in construct design, cloning, mutagenesis and protein expression/purification as well as prior experience with eukaryotic expression systems.  
  • Skills in bioinformatics automation would be an asset. Candidates should have a good publication record and should be fluent in English.
  • Good communication skills and ability to work in a team are essential.


Candidates are invited to apply by sending a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a brief description of career goals and the contact information of three persons able to provide reference letters to : IGBMC / IR-13)

Service Ressources Humaines IGBMC-ICS

1 Rue Laurent Fries