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Jobs in Structural Biology and Related Fields

Research Technician

Derio, Spain
Application deadline: 06 Apr 2013

The Abrescia and Richter Labs based in the Structural Biology Unit at CIC bioGUNE, near Bilbao and the Biosurface Unit at CIC biomaGUNE in San Sebastian (Spain) are looking for a highly motivated graduate student to carry out a joint project on virus structure and stability. This is part of a collaboration with the University of Helsinki (Prof. D.H. Bamford). Abrescia’s Lab. uses both X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM to determine the structures of large macromolecular complexes and viruses (Figure 1). Richter’s Lab. uses atomic force microscopy and other biophysical techniques to study soft biomolecular assemblies such as hydrogels, lipid membranes and viruses (Figure 2).

The project at the cross-road between structural and biophysical virology is funded for 2 years with a yearly brute salary of 15786.24 €. The successful candidate will work during the 1styear at the Richter lab whilst the 2ndat the Abrescia lab. This could be a stepping stone towards a competitive PhD fellowship. Applicants should possess a degree in the disciplines of Biological Sciences or Physics, Biophysics, Chemistry, excellent academic records and be highly motivated.

To apply: Please send as a PDF your current CV including a brief description of research interests and accomplishments, and the names and addresses of two referees by email directly to both NGA Abrescia: and R Richter: indicating “reference 3134” as e-mail subject.